Council Minutes – 01/25/24

ASLC Council Meeting Minutes

January 25, 2024

7:00 pm in Adix Room


Pastor Hellemo, Marc Funderburk, Andrew DaCosta, Mary Rosas, Libby Lindstrom, John Barnes, Donald Scheeler and Beverly Byers.

Opening Prayer led by Pastor Hellemo.

Devotion led by Marc Funderburk. Started our bible study of Joining Jesus on his Mission by Greg Finke.,

He asked how is Jesus impacting your life and how are you impacting others?

Approval of Minutes:

John Barnes moves to approve the minutes from the December 2023 meeting, seconded by Mary Rosas. All approved.

Team Reports:

Reports were emailed to the council and corrections were made prior to the meeting. No questions from reports were found. Bev stated unrestricted giving is $8500.00 so far this month. Budgeted giving of $11,000 for the month of January.

Karolyn’s health insurance is still being billed to ASLC but will be credited back to ASLC quickly. Waiting for the copier legal department to contact us regarding the contract and returning of copier to them. We will have to pay something to them since we are in arrears prior to their picking up the machines. Microsoft contract still having an issue since it was set up prior to the pandemic. Payroll is going well.

Pastor’s Report:

Visited with several members, many home bound. Confirmation classes are going well. Pastor would like to have the youth group visit the neighborhoods around the church with him and invite families to ASLC. Pastor’s conference earlier this month was very intense.

Quarterly Goals:

Marc requested we email our lunch request from Jason’s deli for Saturday’s retreat. We will begin at 8 am and end at approximately 4 p.m.

Issues and Opportunities:

Junior league of space: Julia needs an answer on if we have space available for the Junior league to store prom dresses and accessories in the CLC. They will also hold an event here at ASLC for the girls to get dressed for prom. The council stated that property is ok with them using ASLC. We will need Julia to

complete a facility use agreement. Currently unsure of the date. Julia sent us the date asap at Mary’s request for it to be added to the calendar.

Review of Town hall: Marc felt it was very positive. The meetings will be held monthly. The council selected the second Sunday of each month for the town hall. It will be in the CLC gathering area.

Review of materials for SCM:

Lease Agreement review: We have a few corrections to be made to the lease prior to the meeting on Sunday, January 28th. Mary asked that it be specific that they supply their own tables and chairs for events. Marc feels we can address Mary’s specific issues regarding what the tenant is responsible for in an addendum that specifies their responsibilities. Questions regarding repair responsibilities on who is responsible. Mary requested that it be reworded to state that ASLC will make the repairs and then the tenant will reimburse for the repairs. Consensus is the lease is a good beginning point and we can tweak as need be by council via addendum. Marc will email the most current copy to council, and we will review it in our retreat this Saturday. We will have a copy of the lease should someone want to review it. Marc stated he would like the congregation to empower the council to negotiate and sign the lease on behalf of ASLC.

Benevolence list: Is Lois going to present the list of benevolence at the meeting? Lois took this project on during council 2023.

Mary to print the roster for the meeting.

Mineral Rights review: Congregation to approve the council to sell the mineral rights for the oil and gas only.

Cleaning list for volunteers: Mary to create a list for volunteers.

Bible Study: Marc to lead the bible study starting this Sunday, January 28th at 8:45 a.m.

Audit Committee: Bev to discuss with D.J. the scope of the audit, focusing on more current dates to help with their search regarding spending of finances. Hopefully, they will begin with 2023 and work their way backwards toward prior years.

Property Concern: We do not have the ability to heat the entire building if the weather is below freezing for several days. At what point do we just turn the water off to prevent pipes breaking and if we cannot prevent the power from going off, should we just drain the pipes and turn the water off? The council agrees it should be a weather event, on a weather event basis and it is a property team decision. Bev asked that property reach out to people who would be using the building, i.e., John Anderson, Pastor Hellemo, Art Mory, etc. Bev has asked Art Mory to investigate why the pipes froze so quicky and to look into the ceiling due to the pooling on the roof. We may need additional insulation. We are missing vacuum attachments and if anyone finds them, please let Bev know.

Prayer Concerns:

Pastor’s eye surgery, our community in general, Art’s sisters and families, Donald’s sister’s health, John’s grandson has the flu, Libby’s mom and mother in law’s health, the congregational meeting in general and the Anderson’s adoption situation. Marc led the prayer and opened it up for additional concerns. Pastor added prayers and Marc concluded the prayer.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm

Next scheduled meeting is February 15, 2024, at 7 pm.


A motion was made by Mary Rosas to approve Marilyn Funderburk, Kenny Lee, and Vicki Almos as the 2024 Nominating Committee. It was seconded by John Barnes. The motion was approved by all council members.

(The motion was made at the council retreat on Saturday, January 28, 2024, and all council members were present at said retreat.)

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