Council Minutes – 09/21/23

 Minutes for All Saints Church Council


 Call to Order

A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on September 21, 2023, at All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory, Council President.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

A quorum was declared by Art Mory.

Devotion presented by Art Mory.


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo, Art Mory, Donald Scheeler, Lois Ballard-Stephenson, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson (late arrival).

Absent Council Members: none

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler, Karolyn Havener, Mara Welch

Guest in attendance included: Beverly Byers, Marc Funderburk, David Gustafson, Andrew Dacosta

Approval of Minutes

The monthly minutes for August 2023 were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Lois Ballard, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to approve the monthly minutes for August 2023.

The motion was carried with 5 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Guest Presentations:

Boy Scouts Eagle Projects:

Nathan Quinones – Garden Arbor, with updates (see plan in Sept 2023 Working Materials)

Noah Espinosa – Little Free Pantry 1.0 and 2.0 (see plan in Sept 2023 Working Materials)

Recommendation regarding food safe materials made by DJ Schoneweis.

Voting tabled until the end of the meeting.

Guest Presenters thanked and dismissed.

Staff Reports

Youth and Family Ministries Report provided by Mara McGee Welch.

  • Convocation Report – Convocation is now every other year (previously held in 2021)
  • NALC has hired someone to be over all Y&F ministers.
    • 2 major take away points If you want families involved in your program, you must have the parents emotionally invested/connected in the church in some way.
    • Low commitment churches result in low commitment families
    • Mara has revamped the Confirmation Program: Students must attend 2 Sundays per month and serve. Altar guild, acolytes
    • builds the likelihood they will return as highschoolers
    • Age of confirmation students – 8th graders/middle school
    • Before the students are Confirmed they must have an interview with either Mara (Y& F Director) and Pastor to ensure they have a relationship with Christ.


Children’s Learning Center (CLC) Report was provided by Karolyn Havener.

  • 30-day notice given to TBM (current janitorial service)
  • Asking Alpine if they are willing to month to month


Communications Report presented by Julia Bessler.

  • TOT promotional handouts ordered Will need volunteers to hand outdoor hangers
  • Square discontinued PayPal up and running
  • Photo directory only has 3 spaces left!
  • Lynn Gustafson had volunteer to lead the Compassion Experience (CE) Set up Thursday, Nov 16 at 5pm
  • 5 volunteers needed to set up (able to lift a combined 150 lb.)
  • Everything will be shipped in crates by Tuesday the 14th
  • To be stored on premises until set up on Thursday Nov 16th
  • CE will provide 2 paid people here during the scheduled hours
  • CE staff will tear down the Sunday (11/19) afternoon, after service(?) Julia will communicate with Santisima to see what time would be good for them.
  • Thanksgiving evening Fellowship event. Art question – re: getting approval – Do all events need to be approved by council?
  • Since this is a fellowship event, this should be added to the Mission Team lead’s agenda.
  • otherwise APPROVED
  • Facility use received from Corey Elementary for 2024
  • The Chosen is having a “Fan Con” Per Julia they need volunteers, and she will send out the information about hours that still need to be filled.
  • Financial Report was presented by Beverly Byers.
  • Pledges
  • Anonymous 20k (but not yet received so it has not been added to the total below)
  • $134,860.00
    • Townhall Budget & Benevolence Meeting Date: Sunday October 15, 2023.


Trustee Reports

Property report was presented by Donald Scheeler.

  • Art Mory will personally repair the issues in the prayer room ceiling etc.
  • Art Mory could use volunteers for this willing to learn sheet rock.
  • A/C broken – Per Art get quotes for the 2 units currently needing repair.


Board of Ministry Report was presented by Lois Stephenson.

  • Mission All Saints – change day back to Monday?
  • Send out a poll? Re: What day would work best for you?


Pastor Report was presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

  • Total loss on his car.
  • Will receive payment this Monday, Sept 25, 2023


Motion made by DJ Schoneweis , seconded by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, to accept staff and trustee reports.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

OLD Business

Boy Scouts Eagle Projects – see above

Compassion Experience November 17-19, 2023

  • see above
  • Lead: Lynn Gustafson; needs volunteers
  • Set-up at 9am; ready to start after CLC Thanksgiving Feast (finished by 2 pm)


NEW Business Minutes for All Saints Church Council


2024 Council Nominees – neither Mary Rosas nor John Barnes is present nor has a list been presented to the Council.

  • List due to Council by 10/8/2023


Motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Pastor Abera Hellemo, to enter executive session.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

8:05 Staff dismissed; executive session entered.

Executive Session:

Guests included: Bev Byers, Marc Funderburk (Finance Team), David Gustafson (Finance Team), Andrew Acosta (Council Member 2024)

To discuss the 2024 Budget Draft and 9/24/23 SCM Agenda.

10:36 Executive Session ended.

A motion was made by Ginya Anderson, seconded by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, to end the executive session and resume regular council meeting business.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Nathan Quinones – Arbor and compost bin

A motion was made by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to approve Nathan Quinones’ Eagle Scout Project with continued communication with the Garden of Hope Coordinators

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Noah Espinosa – 2 on-campus Little Pantries

A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, second Donald Scheeler, to accept Noah Espinosa’s Eagle Scout Project with continued communication and guidance with the Church Council.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.


A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to adjourn.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

10:42 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo, closed in prayer.

Next Meeting PRN: 10/19/2023, SCM 9/24/23, ACM 11/5/23


Ginya Anderson ASLC Council Secretary Date of Approval

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