Council Minutes – 10/19/23

 Minutes for All Saints Church Council


 Call to Order

A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on October 19th, 2023, at All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory, Council President.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

A quorum was declared by Art Mory.

Devotion presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo: I Timothy 6: 11-16.


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo (Zoom), Art Mory, Donald Scheeler, Lois Ballard-Stephenson, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson. (6)

Absent Council Members: none

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler, Karolyn Havener, Mara Welch (Zoom)

Guest in attendance included: Beverly Byers, Marc Funderburk (Finance Team Council President 2024), Libby Lindstrom (Secretary 2024)

Approval of Minutes

The meeting minutes for September 2023 (monthly) and October 2, 2023 (special), were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Sheeler, to approve the monthly minutes, with corrections, for September 2023.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Staff Reports

Youth and Family Ministries Report provided by Mara McGee Welch.

  • Trunk or Treat Candy currently at 5k pieces
  • The Anderson’s will hand out temporary tattoos and other non-candy treats.
  • Pastor Hellemo will Speak with Pastor Glavez to ask the Santisima Trinidad members ask them to participate and provide candy for ToT


Children’s Learning Center (CLC) Report was provided by Karolyn Havener.

  • Karolyn asked to please include the council on weekly benchmark/numbers Three more staff losses, whose last day are as follows: November 3, 2023, November 7, 2023, and the other pending a job offer.
  • Projected bi-weekly payroll for Nov 2023: $10,349K (if no other teachers terminate employment)
  • Enrollment: November 1, 2023, the CLC will lose 3 more children; reducing enrollment from 45 to 42 students
  • Projected tuition for November 2023, $19,500
  • City of Arlington (childcare and playground) permits (2) will terminate in November 2023 and will be extended (at no charge) through December 2023. This permit is only needed for a licensed childcare provider.
  • Fire Safety checks/Fire Code – Will we need to continue the safety checks after the CLC closes?
  • $145 per check, January, and July
  • Church will need to maintain the fire extinguishers
  • Art will take over this responsibility.
  • Karolyn will need to keep the council updated on staff numbers and enrolled children. Send updates on Monday to the council so that they can schedule a meeting as needed.
  • Lois states that we should honor the 12/21/23 closing date
  • Karolyn cannot legally care for the children; she must remain in an administrative role.
  • If we are open until 12/21/2023 will the staff truly be able to be paid if enrollment continues to drop? (Could this be the reason staff are leaving so rapidly?) Without the CLC tuition, we do NOT have the funds available to pay the teaching staff of the CLC.
  • ASLC Council and Finance Team should be notified of numbers and will need a SCM to decide if the CLC needs to close its door earlier.
  • There are other religious-based pre-schools that are working on a plan to bring both the children and the staff to their facilities.
  • There are several pre-schools that are calling to advise Karolyn about their openings to accommodate the parents.


  • Karolyn Will begin terminating contract and preparing a list of annual safety checks
  • Discussion: Closing the CLC doors before Dec 21, 2023


Motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to authorize Karolyn Havener dispose/sell of CLC of assets based upon current market value and authorized Karolyn to negotiate the sale lower or higher at the best interest of All Saints Lutheran Church.

The motion was carried with 5 yeas in favor and 1 nay against.

  • Sale of preschool assets Receipts to be scanned and sent to Beverly Byers for upload to the ASLC QuickBooks.
  • Surrounding preschools/daycares are interested in purchasing tables, books, supplies.
  • This could help offset some of the payroll and other CLC-related costs.
  • There are preschools ready to come (Sharon at St. John’s) to purchase furniture.
  • Karolyn Havener requests that the money earned from the sale of assets be placed into a different account so they can make sure that the staff will be paid for their active hours.


Motion made by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to authorize Beverly Byers to create a Council Designated Fund from the sale of CLC assets to be used for CLC payroll. Remaining funds can be transferred to the general fund by the 2024 Council.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nay against.

  • Registration refunds: Only 1 parent has asked so far ($160)
  • Registration refunds for newborns who were only pre-enrolled have been done.
  • We will not be prorating monthly tuition to parents who withdraw students before the end of the month.
  • Registration/enrollment is closed.


Communications Report presented by Julia Bessler.

  • Corey Elementary Fall Fest Mara will set up an ASLC table; would like volunteers.
  • $250 Thrivent funding requested for handouts like water and pamphlets.
  • Revamp “Christmas Poinsettias” for $20, Change from poinsettia to sponsor a church need?
  • Generally, $500 raised
  • What will the funds be designated for? Delegate to Mission Monday?
  • Something for the church property? Beautification fund?
  • Proposed Kitchen Use Ghost Kitchen, licensing?
  • Compassion Experience Sat 11/18/23 9am to 1pm Pastor Hellemo will set up an outdoor Outreach Event in coordination.
  • Opportunity for the Spanish Congregation to offer food? (11a-1p)
  • Handout information about living nativity.
  • How does ASLC advertise TCE to the community?
  • Julia will make door hangers – Outreach / Mission Monday.


Julia: The Compassion experience does that on their own.

Financial Report was presented by Beverly Byers.

  • Tuesday meeting with B&B Mineral for mineral lease.
  • The Finance Team recommends selling dry gas for a one-time payment of $12,500, they will own only the dry gas located under ASLC property.
  • ASLC would retain working interest for the well.
    • Money paid would go to the general fund? Marc Funderburk (Finance Team) suggested rebuilding cash reserves.
    • ASLC Congregation needs to vote on this at the Annual Congregational Meeting


Motion made by Donald Scheeler, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to move forward on the recommendation of the Finance Team to sell dry gas mineral rights to B&B Minerals, who will provide a rough draft of the purchase agreement that will be voted on at the 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Trustee Reports

Property report was presented by Donald Scheeler.

  • We still have 2 air conditioning units not working – Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall Art Mory Request that: Donald, please get with Mary Rosas and request a quote for repair/work to be done by the end of the year.
  • The kitchen oven needs repair (pilot light will not stay lit), the stove is in good working order at this time.


Board of Ministry Report was presented by Lois Stephenson.

Pastor Report was presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

  • Before the next Congregational Meeting, Pastor Hellemo, would like to officially include Kris and Linda Brower to the members of this church. (Addendum: this was done 11/12/23)
  • November 29, 2023, is the Pancake Breakfast
  • No update on the arrival of Pastor Abera’s wife.


Motion made by Donald Scheeler, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to accept staff and trustee reports.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against. Minutes for All Saints Church Council


OLD Business

  • 2024 Council Nominees provided by Mary Rosas. ○ The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of candidate for next year’s Church Council: ■ Marc Funderburk – President
  • ■ Andrew DaCosta – President Elect
  • ■ Libby Lindstrom – Secretary Chair,
  • ■ Trustee Boards – Donald Scheeler
  • ■ Treasurer – Mary Rosas
  • ■ Treasurer Elect – Open
  • ■ Chair Ministry Boards – Open
  • ■ Secretary Elect – Open
  • ○ Any voting member of this congregation may submit to the Nominating Committee, in writing, additional names for inclusion on the list by October 22nd.
  • ○ Congregation needs to vote to allow the 2023 council to put together a nominating committee for 2024



  • Church assets used or stored off property. Missing tables and chairs. 2 – 8 ft tables are gone
  • New inventory of tables and chairs Donald Scheeler asked to have Mary Rosas make an updated inventory list.
  • Anything taken off property needs to be notified to the Office.


  • Why have we never added the Spanish Language time on the monuments/street signs? We should not consider ourselves separate entities; Santisima should be considered a part of the ministry.
  • ASLC should initiate an open discussion with them
  • The Santisima Trinidad (Spanish Congregation) is NALC.


NEW Business

  • Santisima Volunteer Opportunities – Pastor Galvez
  • Annual Congregational Meeting Prep


o Updated Membership Roster

  • Jullia, Bev and Ginya will update.
  • Full review and editing/removing of the Roster will be passed to the 2024 council

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Meeting place: in Sanctuary –
  • Pastor Hellemo asked to advise Pastor Galvez of ASLC extended use of the Sanctuary on November 5, 2023.
  • Materials to be printed out
  • Agenda – Art Mory will present this to Julia Bessler for printing (qty 55)
  • Ministry reports – Art Mory will review and send to Julia Bessler for printing (55)
    • Treasurer’s Report – will be updated to 9/30/2023 numbers. changes to be minor.
    • CC balances listed at the town hall are accurate per Beverly Byers.
    • Ballot Vote: 2024 Council Members
    • 2024 Budget
    • Proposal with Draft Contract – Marc Funderburk (Finance Team) will send the proposed contract to Julia Bessler for printing.
    • The CLC report includes Karolyn Havener’s closure procedures. and thanking the congregation for their devotion for all the years it has been running and allowing the congregation to thank her for her years of dedicated service.
    • All ASLC Staff are asked to be present and give an oral report.
    • Beverly Byers may print the finance Balance Sheet, income statement and 2024 Budget, herself.



A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to go into executive session.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Guests to be included: Beverly Byers, Marc Funderburk, Libby Lindstrom

10:05 Executive Session ended.

A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to end the executive session.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against. Minutes for All Saints Church Council



A motion was made by Ginya Anderson, seconded by Art Mory, to adjourn.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

10:06 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo, closed in prayer.

Next Meeting PRN: ACM 11/5/23, 11/16/2023

___________________________ 11/16/2023

Ginya Anderson ASLC Council Secretary Date of Approval

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