Council Minutes – 12/21/23


 Minutes for All Saints Church Council


 Call to Order

A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on December 21st, 2023, at All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory (Council President).

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

A quorum was declared by Art Mory.

Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

Devotion presented by Abera Hellemo: Revelations 12


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo, Art Mory, Donald Scheeler, Lois Ballard-Stephenson, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson. (6)

Absent Council Members: none

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler (Zoom), Karolyn Havener, Mara Welch (Zoom)

Guests in attendance included: Beverly Byers (CFO), Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, 2024 Council President), Mary Rosas (Property Team, 2024 Treasurer), John Barnes (Property Team, 2024 Ministry Chair) and Libby Lindstrom (Council Secretary 2024).

Approval of Minutes

The monthly meeting and executive session minutes for November 2023, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to approve the ASLC Council Monthly and Executive Session Minutes for November 2023, with minor corrections.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

A motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Lois Ballard Stephenson, to accept the November 2023 Staff and Trustee Reports, which was not done in the November 2023 ASLC Council meeting.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Staff Reports

Youth and Family Ministries Report provided by Mara McGee Welch. Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • CPP Child Protection Policy handout (see December 2023 Council > Working Materials) Any adult working with children should be background checked annually.
  • Background only vs with fingerprinting?
  • Done at the church’s cost
  • Annual Mandated Reporting videos (See December 2023 Council > Working Materials)
  • Art asks that Mara Welch prepare a Roster of Youth members to pass onto Ginya Anderson who is helping Pastor Abera Hellemo with ASLC Youth Ministry Activities.
  • Mary Rosas asks about booking “Petting Zoo” for the 2024 Live Nativity. Mara Welch has not booked anything for any 2024 activities.


Children’s Learning Center (CLC) Report was provided by Karolyn Havener.

  • Emails from the health insurance carrier. Karolyn Havener will make sure that the required health insurance forms will be filled out and sent back to the carrier and cc Beverly Byers


Communications Report presented by Julia Bessler.

  • Per Beverly Byers, due to recent All Saints email issues, please resend any emails that were sent before Wednesday (12/20/23) were not seen by the recipient.
  • Kris Brower will take over recording weekly Sunday attendance.
  • Linda Brower will take over the weekly bulletin (only).
  • Mary Rosas will take over collecting and writing announcements.
  • John Anderson has taken over as the secondary event schedular for the calendar and is also the liaison for all the “Scouts” facility use and events held at ASLC.
  • Currently, no one has taken over the weekly slide presentation projected above the altar.
  • John Barnes has taken over as primary event scheduler for the calendar


Financial Report (November 2023) was presented by Beverly Byers (CFO).

  • At the end of November 2023 total investment ~$47K, at the end of December it will be reduced to ~$7k.
  • At the end of the 2023 year ~$30-80K will be left in cash (this amount includes reserved/designated funds)
  • Beverly would like to go ahead and move the last CLC payroll that would typically be paid the first week in January and pay it in the final payroll distributed in 2023
    • Question of a line item under Conventions and Conferences $275 in November- Is this a mistake??
    • Karolyn received an expense report from the Pastor’s retreat. Was it entered in the wrong line item??
    • Software hardware expenses in November? Valid vs mistake?
    • Workman’s Compensation – In the state of Texas ASLC is required to continue this, because the church will retain 2 staff members Pastor Abera Hellemo

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Joe Alan, who requested he continue to be paid via W2 with the dedicated funds in the Music Angel Fund.


Trustee Reports

Property Report was presented by Donald Scheeler.

  • Missing Property TV from Youth Room Per Karolyn Havener this was a donation from a family and did not “belong” to any specific member.
  • No one present at the Council meeting knew it was missing, nor moved the television to another spot.
  • Moving forward, the main CLC doors are to be kept locked.
  • Nitrile Gloves from kitchen drawer intended for use in a Confirmation Activity.
  • Volunteers for organizing cleaning Art Mory asks Julia Bessler to add that to this week’s bulletin and ensure that John Barnes announces it during the Sunday Service announcement.


Board of Ministry Report was presented by Lois Ballard Stephenson.

  • December 11, 2023, the short meeting held on that day is not in this report as Lois Ballard Stephenson was not made aware of the meeting, nor sent an agenda for that meeting.


Pastor Report was presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

  • Pastor Abera Hellemo asks that the supply pastor for January 7th, 2023, please, receive the agenda/bulletin Pastor Abera Hellemo was asked to please message Linda Brower, as she will be taking over the bulletin in 2024.
  • Art Mory asks that Pastor Abera update the council about TiTi’s arrival and add this to his monthly Pastors’ Report.
  • Marc Funderburk asks that we all begin writing letters to appeal to the State Department Congresswoman Sheila Jackson for the approval of her visa into the United States.


A motion made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to accept the December 2023 Staff and Trustee Reports.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

OLD Business

Santisima Support Opportunities, presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo

  • The have Agree to commit to:

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • $500 monthly for 2024
  • Cleaning/janitorial
  • Lawn services
  • Art Mory asks: Are we considering their financial commitment benevolence or monthly lease payment? The recommendation by the council is that ASLC needs to have a written agreement as to what services and financial support they will provide
  • Lois Ballard Stephenson recommended that they minimally do a Facilities Use agreement as the Abundant Life Church has done.
  • Further discussion to be made by the 2024 ASLC Council in January 2024, at the Saturday Council Retreat beginning at 8am. Breakfast and Lunch provided by Marc Funderburk
  • Santisima and ALC do not need to be part of that retreat.
  • Santisima and ALC will be invited to attend monthly council meetings when appropriate. Ginya to reach out when necessary.


  • Written agreement / lease?


Mineral Rights Agreement Update, presented by Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, 2024 Council President)

  • $17K is the suggested asking price
  • The offer is there, and the lease has been amended and is ready for sale.
  • This will be part of the vote for the Special Congregational Meeting in January 2024.


Volunteer Update, presented by Beverly Byers (CFO)

  • Internal Audit Team – DJ Schoneweis, Dana Collins Chris Tally and Lois Ballard Stephenson
  • They will work in January to present to the 2024 Council and ASLC Congregation in February.
  • Limited Scope Audit: following the sale of property, paying off mortgage, merger with CLC to show the trail of that money that was spent.
  • Counter Updates 3 teams a month so far, Per Beverly Byers we do not get a lot of cash per week, and cash is the reason we want to count weekly.
  • Art Mory, along with the 2023 Council, wants to continue the goal of providing an offering amount weekly to the congregation.
  • Dedicated funds would not be counted.
  • Office Tasks Mary Rosas will take over taking and writing weekly announcements (John Barnes will still announce them on Sunday morning services).
  • Linda Brower will take over weekly Bulletins
  • John Barnes will take over the Calendar
  • Anything open that needs to be covered immediately see updates listed in the Council > Working Materials online.

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Who is picking up mail/packages?
  • Beverly Byers, please add the 2024 Council members to the Council > Working Materials.
  • John Barnes will add announcing that we still need volunteers to the weekly announcements
  • John Anderson has taken over the ASLC liaison role with the Scouts.


Copier Lease Update, presented by Beverly Byers (CFO)

  • Beverly Byers has not yet spoken to the copier company.


Internet / Livestream Update, presented by Julia Bessler (Office Manager) & Beverly Byers (CFO)

  • Email issue status – RESOLVED per Beverly Byers Please make her aware of any issues moving forward.
  • Our current internet provider, Spectrum, will terminate and service will be turned off on January 3rd, 2024. ASLC will have no internet for a few weeks until the new service provider can set us up with a new service.


Fire Alarm Monitoring and Service Update, presented by Art Mory (Council President)

  • Phone lines will be discontinued
  • Overall, there will be savings.


Music Update (Joe Alan Fund), presented by Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, 2024 Council President)

  • Pledges of $24K have been made.
  • Joe accepted that amount and required that he continue as an employee to be paid a W2.
  • They will continue to fundraise throughout the year.
    • Who will send updates for the announcement? Marc Funderburk asks that Julia make an announcement to the congregation that “Hallelujah we are there” and the music ministry with Joe Alan will continue.


Abundant Life Church Lease Draft, presented by Art Mory (Council President)

  • Service Set up versus Events Please keep all congregations informed of any events that may affect their set up or ministry location.
  • Town Hall January 21, 2024, to be held in the CLC gathering area or Fellowship Hall depending on discussion with ALC.
  • Please make ALC aware
  • Can they use a space in the CLC? Gathering room?
  • Special Congregational meeting regarding ASLC Congregational approval of the proposed lease to be held Sunday January 28, 2024, in the Sanctuary

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Start ASLC service early at 9:30am?
  • Negotiate the lease with ALC
  • Congregational approval for the sale of ASLC mineral rights at the suggested asking price of $17K.
  • Benevolence
  • Ginya Anderson was asked to be the ALC, Santisima and ASLC liaison Ginya Anderson please speak with Santisima to delay their service that Sunday to set up at 12:30 we need to speak with January 28th to Abundant life can they attend
  • John Anderson, please speak and communicate with them regarding Saturday use – please make sure to let ALC they may not be able to always set up on Saturday afternoon/evenings.


QR codes, presented by DJ Schoneweis (Treasurer)

  • Please be sure to use the correct and updated QR codes.
  • Beverly Byers is the keeper of the QR codes.


Junior League Storage needed, presented by Julia Bessler

  • No immediate need; will revisit as needed in 2024.
  • IF space is needed Julia Bessler will update the Mission Monday and the Property Team know of the Junior League’s needs.


Key Update, presented by Beverly Byers (CFO)

  • ALC would like 2 additional keys, for 3 total keys.
    • Moving forward as of 2024 the Property Team (Donald Scheeler, Mary Rosas, John Barnes) will be the keeper of the keys. Beverly Byers will make sure that the Property Team gets an inventory of ALL the keys.


NEW Business

Trash Container update, presented by Bevery Byers (CFO)

  • Republic Waste – 2 choices Keep existing 4-yard dumpster, once weekly pick-up at a cost of $150 /month
  • Switch to a 2-yard dumpster once weekly pick-up with required food trash separation; food trash would need to be placed out on the curb. As a commercial entity, ASLC is not allowed to use carts provided by the City of Arlington.
  • Beverly Byers recommends we keep our existing 4-yard dumpster service ($150/mo.) Beverly Byers would like to designate some of the rental income to cover this expense.
  • Per Marc the leaser should pay for the dumpster. Another reason to make a written agreement with Santisima

Minutes for All Saints Church Council


Moving forward, $150 of the ALC monthly rent will be reserved for the monthly dumpster cost. No formal motion needed to be made by the council per Beverly Byers.

Portals of Prayer update presented by DJ Schoneweis

Per Julia Bessler and Beverly Byers, the “Portals of Prayer” subscription has come up for renewal for 2024 January to March (quarterly subscription)

  • Monthly cost $145 Free will offering for pancake breakfast can be dedicated for the use of these funds… HOWEVER: Marc Funderburk offered to pay this fee.
  • How to cancel – Beverly Byers will make herself responsible for canceling the subscription if requested.


Payroll update, Beverly Byers (CFO)

  • Beverly Byers will be switching from ADP payroll to QuickBooks payroll. Currently ASLC is distributing pay bi-weekly (every 2 weeks)
  • Moving forward Beverly Byers would like to issue paychecks on the 15th and last day of every month, totaling 24 pay periods per year
  • Beverly Byers would also like to accelerate the remaining 2023 staff pay to be included in the last week of December 2023.


A motion was made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, that the last week of December 2023 payroll be paid on the final check staff is to receive in 2023 dated December 29, 2023.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Pastor Abera Hellemo, beginning January 2024 payroll to be switched from bi-weekly to bi-monthly, to be paid on the 15th and last day of every month.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nay against.

Use of incremental income from ALC and Santisima Trinidad in 2024.

  • Dumpster ($150 monthly)
    • Rental income ALC goes into rental income: $800/ month
    • Santisima goes into rental income: $500/ month
    • Bev will make sure that both rental incomes will be designated for property upkeep Repair and maintenance
    • 2024 ASLC Council will decide the % to be designated into a reserved fund.


Adjournment Minutes for All Saints Church Council


A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Lois Ballard Stephenson, to adjourn.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

9:13 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo, closed in prayer.

Next Council Meeting: January 25, 2024


Ginya Anderson ASLC Council Secretary Date of submission

Libby Lindstrom

___________________________ 01/25/2024

Libby Lindstrom 2024 ASLC Council Secretary Date of Approval

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