Annual Congregational Meeting – 11/05/23

 Annual Congregational Meeting

 Call to Order

An Annual Congregational Meeting of the All Saints Church was held on November 5th, 2023, at All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was called to order at 11:24am.

Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory, Council President.

A quorum was announced by Ginya Anderson by a signed roster:

The roster includes 229 members (10% for quorum = 23); 34 recorded signatures.

Opening remarks presented by Art Mory


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo, Art Mory, Donald Scheeler, Lois Ballard-Stephenson, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson. (6)

Absent Council Members: none

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler, Mara Welch

Absent Staff: Karolyn Havener, Joe Alan

Guest Presenters: Beverly Byers (CFO, Finance Team)), Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, Council President 2024)

Approval of Minutes

The Annual Congregational Meeting minutes for November 6, 2022, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Marilyn Funderburk, seconded by John Barnes, to approve the Annual Congregation Meeting minutes, for November 6, 2022.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

The Pastoral Call minutes for March 5, 2023, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Mary Rosas, seconded by Dana Collins, to approve the Pastoral Call minutes, for March 5. 2023.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

The Pastoral Call minutes for April 16,2023, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Lynn Gustafson, seconded by Kim Mory, to approve the Pastoral Call minutes, for April 16, 2023.

The motion was carried with 33 yeas in favor and 1 nay against.


The Financial Actions Meeting minutes for September 24, 2023, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

Beverly Byers:

CLC costs listed (and given by the finance team at the time) were not the actual cost to the congregation. Per Beverly Byers (CFO) the numbers should be amended to be: $615K actual CLC cost annually and would thus increase the overall total from $444K to $844K.

Kim Mory:

Correct name of comment/question asked from “Lois Foster” to “Carol Foster.”

A motion made by Kay Maddox, seconded by Kim Mory, to approve the Financial Action Meeting minutes, for September 24, 2023, with the above suggested corrections

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor’s Report presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

Staff Reports

The Children’s Learning Center (CLC) Report was provided by DJ Schoneweiss on behalf of Karolyn Havener.

  • Reminder to please sign a framed picture that will be presented to Karolyn as a small token of thanks from ASLC congregation.


Youth and Family Ministries Report provided by Mara McGee Welch.

  • Carol Foster expressed a word of thanks.


Communications Report provided by Julia Bessler.

  • Julia has accepted a full-time position, elsewhere, beginning 11/16/2023.
    • Julia prepared a list of tasks specific to her work as part of her job at ASLC. These jobs will need to be filled by volunteers
    • If you can fill the need, please see Julia before the end of the year for training as she will no longer be available to provide her services beginning 01/01/2024.


Trustee Reports Minutes for All Saints Church Council


Property (Board of Trustees) Report was presented by Donald Scheeler.

Board of Ministry Report was presented by Lois Stephenson.

Finance Report

Finance Report presented by DJ Schoneweis (Council Treasurer).


Marc Fuderburk – Can we amend the budget if there is more revenue?

Bev – There could be another Special Congregational Meeting called for the congregation as needed.

Marc Funderburk – If people wanted to pledge to donate money for a specific ministry, would there be no need for a congregational vote to start a dedicated fund?

Beverly Byers (CFO)- Correct; Bev can sit down with the person(s)/committee to discuss starting a dedicated fund.

Art Mory – [We] are interested in creating a dedicated fund for the Music Ministry (to pay for Joe Alan’s services) please see Marilyn Funderburk if you would like to be involved.

Carol Foster – How many people are currently interested in supporting the dedicated fund?

Marilyn Funderburk – Currently there is no “number,” she will work on setting up a meeting for those interested in funding the Music Ministry.

Beverly Byers (CFO) – Would like to clarify that the vote for the 2024 Budget will also include a change in ASLC Benevolence Percentage Amount, to be decreased to 10% Benevolence in 2024 from the current 11%, in lieu of holding a separate vote for the Benevolence only.


A motion made by DJ Schoneweiss, seconded by John Barnes, to approve 2024 Budget with Benevolence decrease.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Follow-up on financial concerns with Art Mory (Council President)

Questions presented by the Council and Congregation to the Finance Team and CFO:

Q: Checks not being deposited weekly.


FT/CFO Response: Delayed due to limited volunteer counters, currently there are only 2 teams which delay deposits for at least 1 week.

Discussion on volunteerism.

CLC cleaning crew $1900 monthly will be terminated 11/30/2023

CLC will require volunteers to assist in regular daily cleaning until its scheduled close on 12/21/2023.

Q: Why are credit card balances being carried across months?

FT/CFO: The previous council had approved, on the recommendation of the Finance Team, that due to financial concerns we should not withdraw investment funds to pay off credit card balances. This was dismissed as a one-off mistake; Once reviewed in 2023 those balances were paid promptly.

Q: Reports provided are difficult to understand, how can this be improved

Art Mory recommends a Monthly Report refresh. Which will be passed onto the 2024 Council to begin a team/committee to generate reports in a way that everyone can understand where we stand financially to help mitigate a recurring financial crisis.

Q: Why was there a communication disconnect between the Council and CFO?

Art Mory states that there were fraud concerns expressed by various members.

At this time Art states that there is no sign or indication that anything nefarious was done intentionally or unintentionally.

Art Mory stated “[We] spent $30k per month over budget per month for the past year.”

Q: Audit Team required by the constitution, why has this not been done?

Art Mory: This was a mistake and moving forward there will be a 3-person Audit Team to be appointed by the ASLC Council.

Q Will there be a third-party audit?

ALSLC was given 2 referrals to different firms that deal in non-profit organization accounting and auditing. One of these firms offered a “Free Audit” as a gift in-kind. –

Art Mory announced at the last council meeting (10/19/2023) that the audit “would not happen.”

It was never presented to the Council nor was there any vote held in this regard.

The council members were told by Art Mory it was decided an outside audit would not occur, without further explanation nor reason.

Q: Is there a Finance Team in place? If so, why did they not pick up on that [financial crisis] sooner?

Q: Can we return to posting previous monthly giving on the Sunday bulletin

Art Mory stated, yes, but there would need to be a commitment for volunteers to make that happen. Minutes for All Saints Church Council


Q: When will the congregation receive clarified Town Hall and Communications questions?

Art Mory said there is a need to find a way to communicate and answer questions presented to the Council and Finance Team to the entire congregation regularly.

Q: How will we know if we are doing well financially?

Currently there are no set Benchmarks.

Q Can we receive notification of investment withdrawals and deposits?

Art Mory states that at the time it was not asked for. The council knew it was happening. there was complacency on the part of the Council. Could holding a Monthly Town Hall Meeting be of benefit?

Kim Mory commented in support of Art Mory and his dedication. as well as the rest of the council.

Dave Gustafson commends Art Mory for his hard work and bringing forward an issue that was already blatantly in front of the congregation and the Council.

Recommended sale of Dry Gas Mineral Rights presented by Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, Council President 2024)

  • Sale of ALL mineral rights of ASLC for $15,000
  • The Finance Team will continue to work to make the best benefit to ASLC.
  • This will be brought to the congregation for a vote. ○ The 2023 Nominating Committee presents the following slate of candidates for next year’s Church Council: ■ Marc Funderburk – President
  • Andrew DaCosta – President Elect


Kay Maddox: Right now, we have a lease?

Marc Fubderburk – Our lease term ended as of 2014 with Chesapeake; Wells were drilled but have not been functional.

Mary Rosas: How do we know what the current value is?

Marc Funderburk – Marc is working with a developer to determine the best value.

Lynn Gustafson: We have 2 acres of mineral rights; the lease may only pay out hundreds and NOT thousands as if we were to sell the lease outright. Royalties are not expected to be high with a lease.


2024 ASLC Council Members led by Art Mory (Council President)

Nominating Committee Minutes for All Saints Church Council



Libby Lindstrom – Secretary Chair

Donald Scheeler – Trustee Boards Chair

Mary Rosas – Treasurer Chair

■ Treasurer Elect – Open

■ Chair Ministry Boards – Open

■ Secretary Elect – Open





A motion was made by Dave Gustafson, seconded by Kay Maddox, to approve the Nominated 2024 ASLC Council.

The motion carried with 36 yeas in favor and 3 nays against.

PASSES (by simple majority)

Final Tally (verified by Lois Stephenson-Ballard and Ginya Anderson)

For: 36 Against: 3 Abstaining: 0

A motion was made by Richard Giltner, seconded by Lynn Gustafson, to allow the 2023 ASLC Council to appoint the 2024 Nominating Committee.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Kris Brower states that there is no in-person convocation for 2024 (August). It is to be held online. The 2025 NALC Convocation is to be held in Pittsburg.

Motion made by Dave Gustafson and seconded by John Anderson, to allow the 2024 ASLC Council to appoint a Lay Delegate for the 2024 NALC Convocation.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.


12:55 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo, closed in prayer.


A motion was made by Marilyn Funderburk, seconded by John Barnes, to adjourn.

The motion was carried with 34 yeas in favor and 0 nays against. Minutes for All Saints Church Council


___________________________ 11/6/2023

Ginya Anderson 2023 ASLC Council Secretary Date of Submission


Libby Lindstrom 2024 ASLC Council Secretary Date of Approval

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