Council Meeting – 04/18/24

ASLC Council Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2024

7:00 pm in the Adix Room


Marc Funderburk, Mary Rosas, John Barnes, and Donald Scheeler. Andrew DaCosta was absent. Bev Byers joined us via zoom. Meeting began at 7:05 pm with opening prayer led by Pastor Hellemo.

Devotion was led by Pastor Hellemo based on 2 Corinthians 4:8-10

Approval of Minutes:

John Barnes moved to approve the minutes from the March 2024 meeting as corrected, Donald seconded. All approved.

Team Reports:

Ministry Reports:

There will be two youth confirmed on May 19th. Ginya suggested we present each confirmand with a bible and that a cake be provided to celebrate the occasion. The Gustafson’s grandchild and her father will be baptized on the same day. Ginya will be creating Mother’s Day corsages to be sold for $15 as a fundraiser for future projects. Funds raised for the Artic Shoe project will be reallocated to the Water to Thrive well #4 per direction given during the April Town Hall meeting. Boy Scouts will hold a Taco Bar fundraiser on Friday, May 3rd and a rummage sale on May 25th. ASLC can participate with items of their own. Kathryn Johnson, a representative of Boy Scout Troop 127 attended the April 15th Mission Monday meeting. She talked about their outreach through social media and suggested that maybe we would want to promote the Boy Scout activities through our social media. Council decided not to take that step at this point in time.

Council determined it would be wise to formalize the reallocation of the Artic Shoe funds as follows:

Motion was made by John Barnes to move funds as of 4/18/24 from Artic Shoes to Water to Thrive Well and remainder go to Cowtown Brush Up. Donald seconded. Motion passed.

Property Report:

Mary will compose an email to users of the property to communicate temperature limits during the cooling season. Marc will send out. Thermostats will be set according to council-determined temperature of 71. Donald will price boxes to cover the thermostats in the event the policy is circumvented.

A proposed draft of the Santisima Trinidad was mailed to Council for review and feedback on changes made to customize for this entity. Council will review changes and sign off. Mary will provide to Santisima Trinidad.

Financial Reports:

Bev will check on water usage to see if there is a reason for higher water costs.

Pastor’s Report:

Pastor visited Dwight Schoneweis, Glen and Carol Foster, Lucie Priola and Leonard Gunpat and made phone calls to various members. He took four days of vacation to visit with his children who were in town.

Discussion ensued regarding plan for the Baptism/Confirmation on the same day (May 19th). Beverly proposed a meeting on the April 24th to include Pastor and others who will be involved to discuss/coordinate the activities on May 19th. Gifting the Confirmands with young adult Bibles was discussed as well as a cake to celebrate the occasion. Bibles will be ordered. No decision was made on the cake.

Signs – Pastor will provide message for second side of the sign in conjunction with Mission Monday events.

Weekly Meeting – Marc will meet with Pastor on Wednesdays to talk through upcoming church needs to determine what planning is entailed.

Spiritual Journey:

No discussion during this meeting.

Quarterly Goals:

Quarterly newsletter is still in the works.

Prayer Posts:

On hold.

Town Halls:

May – Bev won’t be there but will send statements she usually provides. Bev suggested a phone chat with Marc/Mary prior to the meeting, maybe on May 6th or 7th.

Cleaning of Facilities:

Marc and Marilyn are covering the 1st week of the month with paid professionals. Kay and Wayne Maddox are organizing the volunteers for the remaining weeks.

Nominating Committee

The Council discussed the need to start asking people to determine interest in serving on the 2025 Council. Sue Brant, Melinda Lee, and a Gustafson were suggested as possibilities. Marc will ask Dana to be on the Nominating Committee since Vicki Almos has not been in church since she volunteered for the position. Bev will talk to Melinda to see how Kenny is doing and ask if he is still planning to serve on the committee.

Contemporary Service – This is still in the planning stages. Options were discussed. Projected for a Fall kickoff.

Quarterly Giving Statements:

The need for statements showing pledges vs. actual was discussed. Target date for mailing is June 30th. Beverly will put info together.

Council Pictures on Website:

During the last Council meeting, it was determined that pictures of council members would not be posted on the website but that staff pictures would be. Pastor will discuss with Joe Alan. Pastor will communicate with Sue Brant for reposting of staff pictures.

ASLC lease with ALC:

Mary will leave a copy in Marc’s mailbox. Marc will get the lease signed on Sunday.

Baptismal Record Inquiry:

Bev had an email inquiry for baptismal records. To ensure that it is not a scam inquiry, she will ask for a written request via US mail.

Thrivent Choice Funds

Bev indicated we have received funds through our Thrivent members. We need to designate these funds. She requested suggestions for next meeting.


Pastor motioned to adjourn the meeting. Donald seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Next meeting May 16, 2024, at 7 pm in Adix Room as ASLC

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