Council Minutes – 05/16/2024

                                                                                ASLC Council Meeting Minutes

                                                  May 16, 2024                                     7:00 pm in Adix Room


 Marc Funderburk, Mary Rosas, Libby Lindstrom, John Barnes, Donald Scheeler, and Bev Byers.  Carol Foster joined us as our guest. Meeting began at 6:59pm with opening prayer led by Pastor Hellemo.

Devotion led by Marc Funderburk.   

Approval of Minutes:

 John Barnes moves to approve the minutes from the April 2024 meeting, Mary Rosas seconded.  All approved.   

Team Reports:

Ministry Reports:  

Ginya Anderson is continuing Children’s Fellowship on Sunday mornings.  We are confirming two students on May 19th.  Our fundraiser for Mother’s Day raised over $400.00 for the children’s ministries.   

Water to Thrive should be receiving the money to finalize our funding of the 4th well per Bev Byers.  The money from Artic Shoes was repurposed per Lois Stephenson to go to the Water to Thrive mission.  

Mary Rosas stated we need a new blade for the lawn mower since it was bent when someone mowing ran over the rocks and roots in the back forty.  

The Men’s breakfast is scheduled for the 1st Saturday of the month and the Women’s breakfast is scheduled for the 2nd Saturday of the month.  Bible study will continue through May each Sunday at 8:45 am.  The Boy Scouts are holding a rummage sale here on May 25th.  Mission Monday will be moved to once a month beginning June 1st for the Summer.  

Property Report:   

We are still watching the leaks in Room 23. The Sanctuary has a leak on the back wall and we are going to contact Dennis Douglass to find out if he can help with this since it is believed that the ductwork on the flat roof is tied to the leak.

The internet cable is missing so the wifi system is having issues.  Bev fixed it with a new cord and internet should be up and running. We are sure it will be returned soon.  Sign to be installed stating do not remove any cords without speaking with Steve or Bev.  

Pendant lights in sanctuary do not come on.  It is run through a computer system and it is not functioning correctly as of today.  Questions:  What would we need to do to get the pendant lights to work correctly?  Probably need to rewire.   

Abundant Life Church lease has been executed.   Keys have been issued to Pastor Kent for his office and Room 22.  Santisima Trinidad Lutheran Church lease is in the process of being signed by council representatives.  

The Junior League submitted their insurance certification per the property usage agreement.   

The gophers have repainted Pastor Kent’s office with excess paint found on the property.  John, Donald and Mary have been mowing since Julio had his appendix out and cannot return until June.  Dirt for the garden was delivered and DJ, Donald and Mary filled the beds.  Zinnias, Sunflowers and Marigold were planted.  

Financial Reports:   

Mary asked why we are paying more for water and gas but the rates are higher even though our usage is less.  Are we being charged for garbage cart through city and Bev is questioning this and calling the city.  Get rid of the cart and keep the dumpster was one of the suggestions from Council.  Why are we getting charged for garbage in city bill if we are using republic services.  Lawn mower fund is not on balance sheet under dedicated funds.  We need to add it to financials.  It may be under landscaping heading already in quickbooks. Bev to review this and book entry where it should be on ledger.

Finance team to review this coming Tuesday at the monthly meeting.   

Quarterly giving reports: 

 Quarterly giving reports are on track to be sent or given to the members in July.  Bev will have available to members if they ask.  Marc asked that all members know where they are in the pledges at this point in the year and the council to be informed if we are where we should be at this point in time (June 2024).

Pastor’s Report:

No discussion.  Any feedback from inactive members?  Most had conflicts with worship.  They did ask that pastor visit again.  Pastor waiting on travel to Ethiopia due to expense.  He will wait until TiTi comes to take her to tour the state and he has not heard of any changes in her immigration status.  

Quarterly Goals:

Marc is going to work on getting the newsletter out to the congregation this quarter.  

Prayer Posts: 

Council will ask John Anderson to follow up with the scouts and we can also bring it up at a town hall for a congregation project.  This project will be deferred until this fall.  

Town Halls:

 The Nominating committee was discussed at town hall in May and Kenny Lee, Marilyn Funderburk and Dana Collins agreed to participate. The Audit committee has all documentation for the year the have started reviewing.  

Housekeeping from Santisima and ACL needs to be spelled out.  Mary will take on this project.   



Cleaning of Facilities: 

Wayne and Kay are coordinating cleaning of the facilities.  Council should discuss extending the paid housekeeping to twice a month due to Wayne’s cancer treatments beginning in June.   Currently, cleaning does not include the offices, Bible study room, Adix room, etc. Kay and Wayne may not be able to continue with the cleaning schedule.  Mary stated we have several small areas in need of cleaning. We are addressing the most visible areas for cleaning currently.  Carpets in fellowship hall will need to be cleaned each quarter with the additional usage.  We may need to fundraise in the future to create a cleaning fund for professional cleaning. 

Currently, Marc is providing professional cleaning of his assigned weekend.   

Council pics of website:

Kris Brower is working with the company on this project.  Mary sent him a copy of the contract we signed.  We need to find out what format we will be using for the directory.  The cost changes depending on what format we use.  Mary to send Carol Foster a copy of the contract we signed with the company and she will begin working with Kris Brower on the directory.   

Lease Opportunities:

Gene Givens, church property lease manager, sent a lease to us regarding a possible lease with a Seventh Day Adventist Church.  Issues council discussed: Gene to get 6% of the $1600 (should be $1700 as per discussed in first meeting with Marc and Pastor) but for how long.  Also stated ASLC would pay him 6% should they ever buy the building.  Council would like that excluded.   Page 6-landlord pays:  telephone, but we feel if they want telephone, they should pay for it.  Internet:  we will pay for what we have and you need anything additional, they must pay.

Page 10 Repairs:  Article 15:  fences and gates?  Nothing noted for security.  Signs and lighting are ASLC but we do not have plans to currently add them to our signage.  We need to be informed and ASLC would like to coordinate all repairs even if they are paying for it (ie they damaged it and must repair it).  Bev sent it to her real estate guy for review.   

Marc to call Gene and discuss any changes.  All council to do a deep dive of the lease to address any concerns.   

We spend $2750 per month on utilities.  The rent from our rentals is covering our utilities but we are not acquiring any reserve funds.  With all three leases, we will be able to start with a cushion.  Janitorial may need to be added in the future.   

Look up January special meeting to see timeline regarding leasing the property.   

Mary’s concerns:

Mowing concerns (what time, cannot mow in evening.)   

Bev:  tell them we mow on Saturdays and will work around or maybe they have someone who might want to help us out on that

Mary:  cleaning on Saturday currently but can move to an evening. Bev:  if we paid someone, this will change.   

Mary:  memorial services may conflict due to Saturday morning.  Bev:  ask family regarding times of services.

Mary:  Increases energy usage

Mary:  Outreach (Ie Eastereggstragavanza) may be conflict

Mary:  ask them to be at our mission Monday zoom regarding conflicts.   

Marc suggests we meet and go over all issues we have brought up. He will bring this to Gene’s attention.   

Her concerns are listed in property report.  

Marc, Pastor, DJ and Bev to meet with Gene and to get a time frame from them for signatures.  

Corey Liaison:

We will revisit in September.

Contemporary Worship:

Pastor and Art are continuing to work on service.  Art is looking to see if the praise team can cover for Joe while he is out with surgery.  

Church Newsletter:

Marc will begin working on this for this quarter.  


Libby provided the prior details and quotes from Fast Signs.  Council would like to begin a discussion with the congregation regarding the importance of our signage and if it is a priority.  Council will get an updated quote once it is discussed at townhall in June.  This will be a fundraising campaign should we take on this project.

 Vow Renewal:

Pastor Kent and his wife would like to use the church for a vow renewal June 21 and 22nd.  They will submit a facility usage form.  John Barnes will block dates on calendar.  

Prayer Concerns:

The following were concerns voiced by the council members for prayers:  Libby’s mom.  John’s sister-in-law has had a bone cancer recurrence.  Donald’s mom is doing ok and they are still waiting to do the memorial service for his sister.  Glen and Wayne for healing.  Mary’s health in general.  Pastor health in general and with TiTi’s immigration issues.  

Marc led the ending prayer

The meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.  

Next meeting June 20, 2024, at 7 pm in Adix Room as ASLC




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