Council Minutes – 06/20/24

ASLC Council Meeting Minutes

June 20, 2024

7:00 pm in Adix Room


Marc Funderburk, Mary Rosas, Libby Lindstrom, John Barnes, Donald Scheeler and Bev Byers. Meeting began at 7:02 pm with opening prayer led by Pastor Hellemo.

Devotion led by Marc Funderburk.

Approval of Minutes:

Pastor Abera moves to approve the minutes from the May 2024 meeting. Donald seconded. All approved.

Team Reports:

Ministry Reports:

Ginya Anderson continues with Sunday Children’s fellowship and would like the property team to begin working on the upstairs youth room redo. Mary Rosas confirmed that the mowing team is set for every other Saturday. The Men’s Breakfast is set for the first Saturday. The Women’s Breakfast is set for the second Saturday. The Bible Study will continue through June 16thd and then transition to a prayer hour for the remainder of the summer. Mission Monday will take place on the first Monday of each month for the duration of the summer. The Cub Scout Troop 127 would like to return to ASLC and join the Boy Scouts on Monday evenings. Marc recommended that ASLC will allow them to use the facilities for the revival of the Cub Scout Troop 127. It was also recommended that we have a yearly meeting with the Boy Scouts regarding facility usage. All this will be run through John Anderson as he is the scout liaison. The TX-OK Regional Disaster Warehouse is asking for donations.

Property Report:

The lease with the SDA has been executed and will begin July1, 2024. Steve has concerns regarding the usage of the sound equipment. It may require resetting the equipment prior to the service. This will need to be worked out between the two congregations. Frazier Roofing and Gutter has given us an estimate of $300.00 for damages from the May storms. Mary Rosas approved the estimate and will schedule repair within the next 4 to 6 weeks. We are missing a push lawnmower from the shed. No additional leaks were found in the CLC following the previous rains. The leak in classroom 24 is migrating across the ceiling. The leak behind the Sanctuary continues to be an issue during hard rains. We will have Frazier Roofing and Quick Roofing to give us a bid on the roof leak repairs. Council would like to get this fixed prior to fall season. The council needs to decide what to do about them. Mary to speak with ALC about their cleaning responsibilities. Santisima still needs to provide an insurance certificate as well as ALC. Mary to follow up with them regarding their cleaning responsibilities as per their lease. The sanctuary was left in disarray after their usage for a wedding and we need to reiterate their cleaning of the areas they use. The lights also were left turned on and doors left open. Mary will create a check list of what should be done prior to exiting the church after usage. The council will need to decide regarding cleaning while Wayne Maddox undergoes medical treatment. Should we use a professional? Also, remember that the offices and the Adix room will need to be cleaned more often due to additional usage. A new blade was purchased and installed on the riding mower. The Gophers rewired the Green Oaks sign for LED bulbs.

Marc suggests that we have each congregation send a representative to the council meetings each month and at the beginning we discuss any concerns they may be having regarding usage in addition to the mission Monday meeting and council chat. We will see how their participation in mission Monday/council chat works prior to inviting them to council meetings.

Financial Report:

Adjustments to financials are being made to clear out accounts not currently used. Finances look good. The electrical has increased. Our contract is good until mid 2028. The broker has stated the cost will not go down anytime soon. We currently pay .04 per usage. We can renew early at .08 per usage. Property and council to review email and discuss. Bev advocating for early renewal and Mary agrees. A decision needs to be made in July, the earlier the better. Budgeting to begin in August once pledges for 2025 are received.

Pastor’s Report:

Pastor visited several shut-in patients and those in the hospital. He visited with the Pedroza family. Continued making phone calls to members (some active and some inactive). He had a two-hour conversation with Ginya Anderson regarding her concerns at ASLC. The Baptism of Jacob Mireles and his daughter Elysia and confirmation of Katelyn Collins and Christopher Pedroza were the highlights of the month. He is trying to find a time to meet with Pastor Galvez regarding upcoming changes at ASLC. Pastor has met with SDA’s pastor and he is willing to participate in our monthly zoom meetings. Pastor will be at continuing education on July 14th and Kris Bower will be presiding. Art will preside on August 4th while Pastor is on vacation. Joe Allen will begin choir again in July. He will have surgery on July 24th.

Quarterly Goals (April to June):

Marc still hoping to get the newsletter started.

Issues and Opportunities:

Update on Communications and Website, Etc.:

Social media? Who does this? Bev will get in touch with Sue so we can see about using social media. We hope to have her attend the July meeting.

Contemporary Services:

Art and Pastor still working on this.

Screen Shots:

Marc needs instruction on how this works if he is to volunteer. The projector is lightly askew in the ceiling. The media shout program will need to be taught to a volunteer. SDA wants to use the screen so maybe they can help us out.

Prayer Posts:

The council will ask John Anderson to follow up with the scouts and we can also bring it up at a town hall for a congregation project. This project will be deferred until this fall.

Corey Elementary school Liaison:

Anyone willing to take this on? Do we want to continue with this?

July Town Hall (Agenda):

Financial Review:

Review Finance Report from Bonnie with Congregation and let them know that anyone can sit in on the finance committee review and if anyone is interested in receiving the report after being accepted by the CC then copies will be available to those who sign up.

Giving Reports:

Members will be provided with a report on their pledges and pledge fulfillment for the first five months of the year. We will be collecting pledges for 2025 at the August town hall so we can begin budgeting. Budget town halls will begin in September.

The Nominating Committee:

Marilyn Funderburk, Kenny Lee and Dana Collins. They are to meet in July.

2024 Open Positions:

Secretary Elect

Treasurer Elect

President Elect (Andew DaCosta has resigned) John Barnes has expressed interest in the position and recommends that the Council follow procedures to make this happen and then reseat his current position. John will need to continue to fulfill responsibilities on Ministry Chair for the remainder of 2024.

Benevolence Committee:

Are we going to change any of the benevolences for 2025. The committee will need to convene in July or August to assess any changes they would like made. The Wounded Warrior Project is one of our current benevolences but many would like additional research done regarding their political affiliations.

Audit committee:

No action this month


ALC and Santisisma-Assign Responsibilities? Mary to create a checklist for each congregation regarding areas they are to clean. A checklist will be created for each area and will be posted where it can been seen by all.

Marc and Marilyn-Professional Service? Since the Maddox family is enduring medical issues for the next few months, the council feels we can utilize some of the rent income to hire the cleaning service for twice a month cleaning. Marc will reach out to the cleaning service for the 1st and 3rd month cleaning for the summer.

Church Directory Update:

Proof will be provided to Kris Bower this week and anyone interested in helping him will be greatly appreciated. The invoice total will be $205.00 and $105.00 of that will be reimbursed by those whose pictures were submitted after the cut off date (they missed the original picture dadte). The out of pocket should be $100 for the church directory. Bev will take it out of the women’s fund per Council.

The July town hall will be held 07-14-24.

Lease Opportunities:

Seventh Day Adventist-Gene Givens-Real Estate Agent

The Lease is signed and will go into effect on July 1, 2024.

Membership Care:

Marc spoke with Carol Foster about facilitation the needs of the congregation as it relates to membership care. He will provide more information upon which the council can advise at the meeting in June. Carol is not going to accept this position at this time. We will need to decide how to keep up with the members of the church on a timely basis, ie. Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. This also ties into our prayer sessions for the summer. We had a prayer chain once upon a time and we need to begin to concentrate on prayer once again.

Sign messaging:

Aubrey McManus has asked about inspirational messaging for the signs each week as we have in the past. Marc suggests we have the congregation create messages and a group vote on the ones to put on the sign each week. This will be discussed at the town hall in July.

Facilities use-Clean Up and Damage assessment:

Mandatory $250.00 deposit to cover cost of cleaning and or damage to facilities? Bev and Mary suggested that instead of a deposit we apply the clause in the lease regarding damage assessment and that clause states that they will be responsible for any damage incurred.

Fall Roundup for Kids:

Possibility of all congregations working together to create an event for the children. This should be a mission Monday discussion.

Online Voting:

Council To Do’s:

Town hall 07-14-241

Begin budget preparation

Giving statements to congregation

Wrap up pictorial directory


Linda Bower has asked that the participants in the service be recognized each week as we have in the past. Mary has offered to add this to the bulletin each week.

Copier Lease:

Copier lease brought the balance down to $17000.00. We cannot pay this nor will be paying this. We have budgeted $5000 to pay and we are sending them the $5000 with a letter drafter by Bob Blankenship stating why we are paying this.

Online voting in June:

Council needed to vote on whether to move forward with the SDA lease prior to our council meeting. Mark motioned that we move forward with the lease to SDA, John Barnes Seconded. Voting was taken via email. Yes votes were: Pastor, John, Marc, Mary, Libby and Donald. There were no votes against the motion. Motion passes.

End of meeting:

Our next meeting will be July 25th at 7 pm.

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