Council Minutes – 09/19/2024

ASLC Council Meeting
September 19, 2024
7:00 p.m. Adix Room
Pastor Hellemo, Mary Rosas, Libby Lindstrom, John Barnes and Donald Scheeler, and Marc
Funderburk. Bev Byers joined us via zoom.
Opening Prayer/ Devotion:
Pastor Hellemo led us in the opening prayer. Marc Funderburk led our devotion.
Approval of pervious minutes:
Corrections were made to the August minutes per online discussion. The motion was made by
John Barnes to accept the minutes as written for August 2024. Pastor seconded. Vote taken and
all approved.
Ministry Board:
John Barnes reported the following:
Ginya Anderson is continuing with the Sunday Children’s Fellowship. She is working on the
Spaghetti Dinner, Pumpkin Patch and Trunk R Treat events for September and October. The
mowing teams are working on an as needed basis through the fall and the SDA is helping with this.
CCLI is covered for the next year for the Praise Team to do 5th Sundays and when Joe is ill or on
vacation. This will also cover the Praise and Worship events each month. The Men’s and Women’s
monthly breakfasts continue. Adult Sunday School has resumed, and it is noted online that it
begins at 8:45 am not 9:00 am. Mission Monday is meeting the 1st Monday of each month and will
resume meeting every other week this month. The scouts have resumed meeting, and we have 2
Eagle Scouts planning their ceremonies in October and November. The Youth Room Refresh 2.1 is
mostly finished. Final touches and cleaning are being done. We are working on a date for the Water
to Thrive representative to come speak with us.
Trustee Boards:
Donald Scheeler reported the following:
ALC and Santisima leases are up for renewal. They must notify us by October 1st of their intent for
renewal. We must approve their renewal at our October meeting. We will need to prepare an
extension document for signature should they renew. The photocell was replaced in the Kelly Elliott
sign. It is now working properly, and they will send a bill for their service call. They also looked at
the parking lights. Further testing is required for the lights outside. We need to establish a facility
usage fee as several interested people have asked when touring the facility for future usage. Steve
is coordinating with SDA regarding the Sanctuary lighting. The riding lawnmower battery was
cleaned and charged and currently working. The gutters were repaired, and the bill was received
and placed in line for payment. The sprinkler system repairs have been made and cost was
$637.50. The AC system had coolant added to it. We are currently working on getting bids regarding
the leaks in classroom 23 and the Sanctuary wall. Santisima is still working on getting liability
insurance. Youth room remodel is looking good. They are still working on it currently. We are
working on the quote for the keys and the SDA has approved payment of the rekeying. Bev will
contact the key company to schedule for next week if possible. An announcement will be made on
Sunday letting everyone that if they have a key, they may need to exchange it for a new one. We are
missing the mattress mover (donated by Art) from classroom 23 and the doley (hand truck) from
Steve which was also in classroom 23. Mary will email each congregation (ALB, SDA and
Santisima) regarding if they have seen it or possible borrowed it without permission. Hopefully,
they will turn up soon.
Finance Board:
No update. We are currently meeting our expenditures. Copier issue of payment currently being
worked out. Bev to check the balance.
Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Hellemo reported the following:
I have visited Dwight Schoneweis Lucy Priola, Andrew Da Cota and Leonard Gunpat. I have
continued to reach out to our members via the phone and participated in church activities other
than our Sunday worship service.
I was approached by Ginya Anderson (youth ministry) and she has asked that I be the contact
between the youth ministry and herself. She has asked that should the Council have any questions
for her, I will be the person to communicate them to her directly. After discussion, it was decided
that youth ministry will report to the Ministry chair (who holds a seat on the council) and the
Ministry chair will be the direct contact between youth ministry and the Council. John and Julia will
work together to make the transition for 2025 run smooth. Pastor to reconvene with Ginya and
discuss protocol going forward. Council feels Ginya should create a plan of action going forward
for the youth ministry. We will follow up next council meeting on this issue.
Quarterly Goals-July to September:
Church Newsletter-On hold.
Issues and Opportunities:
Update on Cleaning Services:
March and Marilyn’s team currently provides wet mopping and bathroom cleaning the first and third
Thursday of the month.
Update/Communication/Website, Etc.
Facebook CoordinationWe are currently working on the ability to post on Facebook. Currently, Lois Ballard Stephenson is
the only person with access to our Facebook administration. Sue is working with her on this issue.
Pictorial DirectoryThe pictorial directory is complete and will be available for distribution this Sunday. The extras will
be kept in the office or in Pastor’s office.
Praise and Worship Service-Pastor and Art
Our Praise and Worship Service will be held September 21,2024 and the Praise Team will provide
Media Shout:
Media shout has resumed during worship on Sunday. Big thank you to Steve!
Liability Certificates:
Santisima still missing their liability insurance certificate.
Policy Review:
Bev to send the policies to Marc for review. Marc to review with his agent.
October Town Hall: 3
rd Sunday
A. Financial Review:
Review Finance Report
Pledge Cards (due at August town hall meeting) and Budget Preparation (in September)
Budget Number for November Congregational Meeting
B. Nomination Committee:
They met on August 5th
. Listed below is the possible slate for the ballot in November. We
are waiting on several people to respond to inquiries to serve.
2025 Council Slate
President-John Barnes
President Elect-Sue Brant
Treasurer-Mary Rosas
Treasurer Elect-Marc Funderburk
Secretary-Dana Collins
Secretary Elect
Board of Ministries-Julia Bessler
Board of Trustees-Richard Giltner
The council is bringing an amendment to the Constitution regarding the serving of
immediate family members simultaneously on the church council.
It currently reads:
C12.03. The members of the Council, except the pastor(s), shall be elected by written ballot at the
November meeting to serve one-year terms as defined by C10.01.01(b) of the bylaws or until their successors
are selected. Such members shall be eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively in the same
office. No members shall be eligible to serve more than four full consecutive years on the Council. Their
terms shall begin in January of the following calendar year and will be evidenced by installation at a Sunday
worship service. Immediate family members (spouses, parents, children, in-laws, siblings) shall not serve
simultaneously on the Council.
Requested Change:
C12.03. The members of the Council, except the pastor(s), shall be elected by written ballot at the November
meeting to serve one-year terms as defined by C10.01.01(b) of the bylaws or until their successors are
selected. Such members shall be eligible to serve no more than two full terms consecutively in the same
office. No members shall be eligible to serve more than four full consecutive years on the Council. Their
terms shall begin in January of the following calendar year and will be evidenced by installation at a Sunday
worship service.
We are requesting the removal of the wording regarding immediate family members serving on council
simultaneously due to the size of our congregation.
C. Audit Committee:
The congregation needs to provide input on going forward. With DJ stepping down, we do
not have a chairman. Council would like a person with accounting experience to join the
audit committee.
D. Benevolence Committee:
Update from Lynn and Kim.
Membership care:
No update
Sign Messaging:
Review of the Cost provided by Fast Signs. Recommend getting additional quotes given current
SDA Health Fair:
Currently, SDA is looking for a date that will fit within the ASLC calendar since the prior suggested
date had a conflict.
Marketing Advertising:
New Issues and Opportunities:
Building Insurance
Currently do not have property insurance. Too expensive
Ministry Goals and Objectives
State of the Congregation
All Saints Church Direction:
Marc suggest we consider leveraging our assets and have a discussion with the
congregation. Bev suggests that we need to finalize the direction of where we want the
church to go forward (a strategic plan). The question is What are we here for at All Saints
Lutheran Church? Marc to write a letter to the congregation to be attached to the Focus on
the Word asking everyone to think about what they want to do for and with ASLC. We will
add this to the town hall agenda in October. Council should come prepared with a plan of
action that they would like to see addressed by the congregation. This will help us outline a
strategic plan of 2025.
Lease Extensions
Do we send them a reminder regarding their renewal notification prior to October 1st?
Council says Mary should email each leasee regarding the extension’s and requesting a
response yes or no to renewal. This effects ALC and Santisima.
Facility Usage Fee
Council feels we need to review our facility usage fees currently listed in the form. We need
to edit this form so we can begin using it in the future. How do we handle the deposit fees
for the usage? Council has asked Mary to prepare the form for the next council meeting.
Council To Do’s
Schedule October Town hall for October 20, 2024.
Budget PreparationNominating committee for 2025: We need to try and have a few names prior to the congregational
meeting. Marilyn to be asked if she has any suggestions for the committee for 2025.
Nominees for Council next year are to be invited to the October meeting and each meeting going
forward for this year. Marc to email the invitation to the candidates.
Congregational meeting Prep:
Notify the congregation by October 21st via email/mail. Base agenda to be on mailing. Pull last
years agenda. Libby to look at minutes for agenda. Mary and Bev to send Libby the roster/mailing
list. Mary to print the ballots and post cards for mailing. Amendment must have separate vote
(raised hands). 10% quorum for attendance and vote. Must have ratification date in the
amendment. Ministry reports read (1 page) Ginya need to give John a report for him to read. All
reports are due 14 days prior to the meeting (due October 20th) Budget and financial statements go
out 1 week ahead of meeting. Budget to be given at town hall. Very basic reports with a normal
income statement thru September. Balance sheet as of September.
If we have names for 2025 nominating committee, we vote, if not we vote that council may appoint
them later.
We must also vote on a lay delegate to attend the convocation if available if not, vote for council to
appoint the lay delegate later.
As for ballot, it must be published 1 week ahead of meeting.
Prayer Concerns:
Pastor’s health concerns and for TiTi’s arrival (all documents have been received and hearing to be
scheduled). Closing prayer led by John Barnes.
The meeting ended at 9:20 pm.
Next Council meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the Adix room.

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