Council Minutes 10/21/21


October 21, 2021

7:00pm – 9:30pm


Attendees: Robert Blankenship, Beverly Byers, Richard Giltner,

Pastor Baker, D J Schoneweis, Stacey Welch, Mary Rosas, John Barnes

Absentees: Kenny Lee

Guests: Mara McGee, Karolyn Havener


Opening Prayer: Beverly


Devotional: Chapter 9 – Mary

Discussion points – Focus was on Matthew 18. When resolving issues, as small a group as possible should be maintained for as long as possible. This approach would have helped us deal better with the issues that arose last year. It is important for us to develop a culture of peace so that we handle future issues better. It will be good for us to have the things we are learning from this book about conflict resolution included in something for incoming council members so that they are prepared as we might have been last year had we already covered this book.

Praise publicly, correct privately. It is important to be sure we are hearing what the other side is saying so that the focus is on conflict resolution rather than escalating the conflict. The pastor’s role is as reconciler, not taking sides in any conflict. This is not a process of justice, but one of mercy and grace. A support system / process should be set up beforehand that protects everyone so that when each step in the resolution process is followed every thing is done that should be done. This applies to everyone, including the pastor.

For example, when someone has an issue with the pastor, the person first meets with the pastor in person, then with the executive council then with the full council. Mutual Ministry can be a part of this, a support group with membership selected half by the pastor and half by the congregation to help determine how the congregation can help and advise the pastor in various areas.


. Next month Chapter 10 – D. J.


Approval of Minutes: Motion by Beverly to accept the September minutes as amended, seconded by Mary. Motion passed.




Beverly: CLC

. We have lost two staff members who left and will lose another one at the end of October. Karolyn has said that she does have a number of good resumes. There are 8 families on a waiting list to enroll when staff is available to begin those classes. There are currently 62 students.

. A fall parade is planned for parents and grandparents. It will last 15 minutes with none allowed in the class rooms due to Covid restrictions. Eating will be for students only.

. Karolyn has a few punch items left, primarily electrical, for Rocky to complete.


Mara: Youth and Family Ministries

. Pumpkins: 100 were sold as of today. We have received a nice donation and $80 profit for the church. There are two Saturdays left. Primarily only students are showing up so far, but that is good too. The Scouts showing up to help unload made it easy and it was all done in about an hour. Sales started slow but are increasing every day. When people ask what the funds are used for we need to remind them that this is to raise money for out mission trips. Last year’s funds are still available for the mission trip as well since separate funds were available for restoration of the youth area upstairs.

. Gift bags are being assembled for Trunk or Treat. Cards are to be handed out at the event and any child who shows up on Sunday gets a gift bag. We need more candy for this. As of today 11 trunks were signed up. (22 trunks participated.)

. A youth event, volleyball, was held Sunday at the Mansfield sand court. 10 to 12 kids showed up. This will not be a regular event since many of the kids have jobs but we want to have something at least once a month. We want to provide a stress-free / judgement-free zone where they can talk about their lives on a personal level. It was suggested that we challenge the Boy Scouts. It will provide an outreach opportunity for the unchurched among them.


Pastor Baker: Pastor’s Report

. October 31st is reformation Sunday and the first meeting of the call committee.

. The first Sunday in November is All Saints Sunday with a congregational meeting afterward.

. The second Sunday in November is Veterans Sunday.

. The day before Thanksgiving will be a non-communion evening service, a time for hymns and thanks.

. Regarding the pastoral call process, many churches are looking for pastors. NALC is growing new churches and has pastors when few others do. The reason for this is that we do have a structured call process.

. Texas pastors met this week. The southern two districts are well organized. The northern district has a new dean.

. Pastor is happy to be moving back into his office after it was checked for mold issues.

. Access for electricians to Mara’s office has been arranged.


Beverly: Financial Report

. Financial reports were sent out this week. Refer any questions to Beverly. Changes suggested have been incorporated. Budget questions will be addressed Sunday at the 9 am pastors class.


Mary: Property Report

. Property report was sent out in email earlier.

. Beverly had updates:

. Beverly is working to clear the fellowship hall.

. The pastor’s office is ‘gleaming’, so thanks to D. J.

. The kitchen had faulty gas hookups. Flow problems have been addressed.

. Bathrooms have been sanitized.

. Hardware to install bathroom dividers is not available.

. Reflooring the altar steps has been scheduled.

. The Porte-cochere has been appraised by the insurance company. The engineering report is complete and reconstruction will start soon.

. The fellowship hall needs to be clear for use by CLC.

. Asps in the playground area have been removed.

. On the electrical project across the parking lot, the boring has been done. The landowners where the area is concreted in have been contacted. The light is still off. A basketball hoop light is still needed.


DJ: Ministry Boards:

. Art announced the men’s breakfast on November 6 at IHOP on I20 and will be held the first Saturday of each month except for January when it will be the second Saturday due to New Years Day being the first one.

. Backpack project has been postponed until January due to Covid.

. Cowtown Brushup was successful with followup held the following weekend. Thanks to Mary for coordinating this event.

. Arrangements are being made for the live nativity.

. Teacher appreciation luncheon is to be held November 19.


Other Old Business:

. Mara informed us that there has been a $5,000 donation to the mission trip fund. We donate a tithe of 10% when we go, so we will have a nice check to present.


Stacey – Online Motions:

. There were no online motions this month.


Executive Session:

No executive session was needed this month.


New Business:

. The congregational meeting is November 7. Time change from daylight-savings occurs on this day.

The membership list and ballots need to be printed.

. Hard copies of minutes need to be assembled for the archive. Richard and Stacey will handle this.

. When the previous pastor left, Red did as well. Council accepted Red’s resignation with thanksgiving for his service.

. A brief discussion clarified the purpose of council representation on the call committee for informing council and congregation of progress.



Closing prayer: Pastor Baker


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard Giltner

Council Secretary

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