Council Minutes – 11/16/23


 Minutes for All Saints Church Council


 Call to Order

A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on November 16th, 2023, at All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was presided over by DJ Schoneweis, Council Treasurer, for Art Mory, who is sick.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

A quorum was declared by DJ Schoneweis.

Devotion presented by Art Mory: “When Everything Changes”


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo, Art Mory (Zoom), Donald Scheeler, Lois Ballard-Stephenson, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson. (6)

Absent Council Members: none

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler, Karolyn Havener, Mara Welch (Zoom)

Guests in attendance included: Beverly Byers (CFO), Marc Funderburk (Finance Team, 2024 Council President), Andrew DaCosta (President-Elect 2024), Mary Rosas (Property Team. 2024 Treasurer), Dave Gustafson (Finance Team), John Barnes (2024 Council Member), Libby Lindstrom 2024 Council Secretary.


“Thank You,” gift presented to Karolyn Havener by DJ Schoneweis, on behalf of the ASLC Congregation, for her years of dedicated service in the Children’s Learning Center.

Approval of Minutes

The monthly meeting minutes for October 2023, were submitted for approval by Ginya Anderson.

A motion made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to approve the monthly minutes for October 2023, with minor corrections.

The motion was carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Staff Reports Minutes for All Saints Church Council


Youth and Family Ministries Report provided by Mara McGee Welch.

  • Why no children’s church on Sunday 12/24/2023? 12/10/23 last day for Sunday School
  • Clarification – there is no 9am Sunday school service the morning of 12/24/23
  • No children’s church during the evening service


Children’s Learning Center (CLC) Report was provided by Karolyn Havener.

  • CLC will need to put away the tables used after their Thanksgiving event
    • Karolyn asks: Who will oversee sending out W2s for CLC and ASLC staff? In previous years W2s arrived at ASLC and were handed out.
    • Beverly Byers volunteers to send them out once they arrive or have them mailed directly to the staff.
    • Who will take over employee records, student files and CLC keys? Beverly Byers volunteers to take over the keys and pertinent records/files.
    • Clarification 5 children as of December 5 children in care MWF, 3 children in care M-F
    • Only 2 children’s families have not communicated with Karolyn Havener on having a new facility to attend pre-school
    • All staff have accepted positions or moved on.
    • Only 3 staff members will remain in December 2023, which includes Karolyn Havener, the CLC director.
    • Karolyn suggests the council should decide if the CLC is to close early: Friday, 12/1/23 Based on low enrollment, tuition vs payroll expenses
    • Based on pre-school best practices with regards to small class size.
    • DJ Schoneweis (Treasurer) agrees with closing CLC on December 1st, due to low enrollment and ASLC inability to continue to fund the deficit.
    • Karolyn Havener requested that she and Jacquie Mikhailaian stay on to close accounts and finalize paperwork until December 8, 2023.


A motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to close Children’s Learning Center effective December 1, 2023.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

  • Karolyn will speak with each of the families of the remaining 2 students and help them transition to another preschool beginning December 1, 2023.


Communications Report presented by Julia Bessler.

  • Dedicated fund for outdoor beautification (Poinsettia Fund) Who determines how the funds will be used?
  • Property
  • Compassion Experience

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Crates have arrived and pods/stations are being set up tonight (Thursday 11/16/2023)
  • Experience with Compassion trained volunteers beginning Friday 11/17/23 and run daily through Sunday 11/19/23 9am to 1pm


Financial Report was presented by Beverly Byers.

(Waited to the end of the meeting in case there was a need to enter executive session)

  • Finance meeting was held Tuesday Morning 11/13/223
    • Mineral Rights Agreement Update presented By Marc Funderburk (Finance Team) Marc Funderburk states that several of his clients are in the oil and gas business.
    • Finance Team prefers to sell oil and gas ONLY rights, outright, for both lot
    • increase bid to $20K, from $15K
    • Are there any fees associated with this contract/sale? Marc Funderburk is unsure, but he believes it is likely not.
    • Present the sale and its terms to the congregation after it is reviewed by the council.
    • Finance Town Hall, Monthly meetings First may be held in February 2024 to include: Year-end or November 2023 (if year-end finance is not reconciled at that time)
    • According to the Finance Report presented, the Investment Funds have decreased ~$17K again, why? Per Beverly Byers this is a timing/updated reporting issue.
    • Offerings – there may be some monies placed in the wrong line item.
    • Should be updated at the next meeting (did not state when ???)
    • Beverly Byers was asked but states she cannot make a giving forecast for December at this time, but offers these numbers: Cash projection $15K
    • Investment $37K
    • Possible Total of $53K+ (of both cash and Investments)
    • Salaries this month are $19,000
    • For November we will spend additional 15K this month November2023
    • At this time – we do have enough cash based on 10K and investment accounts, but investments will be wiped out at the end of the year
    • It would cost $1,900 for Jacquie Mikhailaian and Karolyn Havener to keep their insurance through the end of December 2023. DJ Schoneweis (Treasurer) feels that Karolyn Havener and Jacquie Mikhailaian should be paid through the end of December 2023.
    • This expense would leave ASLC with $7k moving into 2024.


A motion was made by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to pay Jacquie Mikhailaian and Karolyn Havener their full month’s salary and health insurance for pay Minutes for All Saints Church Council


periods ending December 9th, 23rd and for the week ending December 30, 2023, which will include 2023 Holiday Pay, as previously laid out.

The motion was carried with 5 yeas in favor and 1 nay against.

Trustee Reports

Property report was presented by Donald Scheeler.

  • Storing things in the church: This should be the decision of the Property Team about what and if things are stored in the ASLC building.


Board of Ministry Report was presented by Lois Stephenson.

  • Art Mory asked about Water to Thrive balance Beverly Byers respond that the well is about halfway funded (~ $2,500)
  • Thrive Donation link is no longer on the website? why Stripping the website down to basics.
  • The link still exists, but is no longer on the website due the fraud which occurred by bad actors in 2023
  • The link was removed to help mitigate future fraud.
  • QR codes Now exist for the ASLC PayPal account
  • QR code for other donation links – to be discussed further in New Business


Pastor Report was presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

  • Abundant Life Church, request to use sanctuary. Pastor Hellemo is extremely interested in partnering with this church
  • They are able and willing to pay a modest rent
  • This item will move into New Business.
  • Continuing education Pastor understands that his total costs are more than what is budgeted, but
  • Per Beverly Byers we can move money between budget line items, but the Continuing Education budget cannot itself be increased without congregational approval.
  • Housing Allowance for the purposes of IRS reporting Pastor Hellemo would like this decided on tonight.


Motion Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to approve $48,456.00 for Pastor’s 2024 housing allowance

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

There was NO recorded motion made to accept staff and trustee reports. Minutes for All Saints Church Council


OLD Business

Santisima Support Opportunities: Pastor Galvez did not attend as requested

  • No formal nor written commitment from Pastor Galvez, Pastor Galvez has been invited to attend various ASLC council meetings by Pastor Hellemo
  • Pastor Glavez has verbally stated they can assist with cleaning and lawn care.
  • Art Mory states: Santisima needs to make a monetary commitment as the members of ASLC have done.
  • Per Pastor Hellemo he has spoken with him regarding a financial commitment but has received no response from Pastor Galvez nor his congregation.
  • Pastor Hellemo will speak with them again.
  • Per DJ Schoneweis: Pastor Scheusner made a verbal agreement with Santisima that they could build their congregation here at ASLC as they saved enough to move on to their own building once more. They have not done so, nor notified ASLC of their intentions to do so in any specified period.
  • They were supposed to be temporary: 5-6 months but have now been non-paying tenants for 3 years.
  • Marc Funderburk suggests the finance team and Council create a suggested monthly donation amount. $400-500, minimum.


Mineral Rights Agreement Update presented By Marc Funderburk (Finance Team)

  • see minutes under Financial Report


Clarification of 3rd Party Audit presented by Art Mory (Council President)

  • To be discussed during the Executive Session


Volunteer Update

  • Internal Audit Team, to be appointed by 2024 Council
  • Volunteers so far: DJ Schoneweis, Dylan Schoneweis,
    • The Council needs to make weekly announcements. It is currently on the bulletin per Julia.
    • Add to the bulletin a specified date: At the end of January deadline for the 2024 Council to appoint a 3-Person Audit Team
    • Counter Updates, currently we have 3 teams:


  1. Dave and Lynn Gustafson (3rd Sunday)
  2. Mary Rosas and John Barnes (Richard Giltner will remain an alternate)
  3. DJ Schoneweis and, Ginya Anderson,
  • Office Tasks: Time and talents along with tithing

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Reiterate during announcements
  • Continue handing out the list


Copier Lease update presented by Beverly Byers (Finance Team)

  • Monthly lease payments are not being paid
  • The company has called. Beverly Byers will call them within the week to discuss options.


Internet/Livestream Update presented by Julia Bessler and Beverly Byers

  • Still in place and occurring
  • Steve Bessler is working on switching to a less expensive monthly plan


Fire Alarm Monitoring and Service Update presented by Art Mory

  • Alecsa offers $695 start-up fee, $50 per month for 12 months


(See estimate uploaded into November 2024 Working Materials)

  • Strictly monitoring
  • Service is not included and, if needed, will be at an additional cost.


A motion was made by Lois Ballard-Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to accept the bid from Alecsa for Fire Alarm Monitoring only.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Music Update (Joe Alan) presented by Beverly Byers

  • Marylin Funderburk will host a meeting December 3rd after church for those interested in giving money.
  • They will be asking for a financial commitment at that meeting.
  • The dedicated fund needs to be funded quarterly, semiannually, or annually by those making a financial commitment.


NEW Business

Sanctuary Use Request, Abundant Life Church, presented by Pastor Abera Hellemo

  • They can afford $800 per month
  • Congregation size: ~30 people
    • Area Requested: Fellowship Hall ASLC takes priority of the use of the fellowship hall
    • Alternative space: Gathering area in the CLC?
    • Requested Time: Sundays 11:30- 2:30
    • Additional Requests: Sunday School Room
    • Office Space (Do they want a private office or shared use of the ASLC office?)
    • They have sound equipment and would like space to store it.
    • Move in: They would like to begin occupancy as early as December 2023.

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • Lease agreement needs to include a formal agreement for use, janitorial, liability, etc…
    • Who will be part of this Team with Pastor Abera? Lois Ballard Stephenson will work on a Lease agreement for Bob Blankenship to look at.
    • Det a Meeting Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. (11/21-22/2023)
    • Marc Funderburk will be part of the team
    • Want to allow Pastor Abera, Lois Ballard Stephenson, and Marc Funderburk to meet with Abundant Life Church and prepare a lease agreement – ASLC is the landlord and as such ASLC dictates how the facility is to be used.
    • Andrew DaCosta: Why have these Pastors not come into the Council Meeting to speak directly to the Council? Good idea, this should occur once a written proposal is prepared.


Motion made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Pastor Abera Hellemo, to empower Lois Ballard Stephenson, Marc Funderburk and Pastor Abera Hellemo in their negotiations to lease ASLC building space to Abundant Life Church.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Building Lease Option, Livens and Associates, presented by Art Mory (council President)

  • Will Gene Livens charge us to look at the lease? Art Mory will reach out to Gene Livens
  • Gene Livens has already toured the building
  • This is an Introduction to the idea only, no decisions are to be made until after the CLC closes.


QR Codes presented by DJ Schoneweis

  • Donating through QR codes instead of online links. Easier
  • Mitigating fraud
  • Passing plate with QR code
  • QR codes on the pews
  • ASLC will continue to accept all forms of payment.


Building Use Request, Junior League Storage, presented by Julia Bessler

  • Would available church space be available for dress storage and hosting the events 2 times annually at NO CHARGE?
  • Currently they hold a 100 x 100 ft space filled with evening dresses
    • If the Junior League “folds” is ASLC to be left with the clothing items they have stored here? Per Julia Bessler, the Junior League will remove the items if they are no longer able to provide their service to the community.

Minutes for All Saints Church Council



  • This could be handled by Property Team
  • “Hold Harmless” agreement


Organization Chart presented by Lois Ballard Stephenson

  • Tabled in July due to identified Financial Concerns
  • As of 01/01/2024 it will be very simplified
  • Lois Ballard Stephenson feels we should keep the updated Organizational Chart to refer to as the church rebuilds and brings in more staff.
    • Executive CFO currently reports to the pastor Make a change that reports directly to the ENTIRE Council and not only to the pastor or currently identified officers of the Council.


A motion was made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by Donald Scheeler, that the CFO report directly to the ENTIRE sitting Council.

The motion was carried with 5 yeas in favor and 1 nay against.

December Meeting?

  • If needed 12/21/2023, to discuss lease agreements.


9:10 pm

A motion was made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to go into Executive Session.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Guests included: Marc Funderburk, Libby Lindstrom, Beverly Byers.

A motion was made by Art Mory, seconded by Lois Ballard Stephenson, to perform an internal audit as provided by the Church Constitution. The Audit Team may request an external audit if needed.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

9:58 Executive Session ended.

A motion was made by DJ Schoneweis, seconded by Lois Ballard Stephenson, to end the executive session.

The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.


A motion was made by Lois Ballard Stephenson, seconded by Donald Scheeler, to adjourn. Minutes for All Saints Church Council


The motion carried with 6 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

9:59 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo, closed in prayer.

Next Meeting: December 21, 2023 (if needed) 12/21/2023

Ginya Anderson ASLC Council Secretary Date of approval

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