Council Minutes 3/18/21

Attendees: Mary Rosas, Beverly Byers, DJ Schoneweis, Bob Blankenship, David Gorman, Kenney Lee

Absent: Richard Giltner, Stacey Welch

Guests: Karolyn Havener, Julia Bessler, Bonnie Fleming, Mara McGee

Opening Prayer: Bob Blankenship


Devotional: Peacemakers – Chapter 3. Two things to take away from this chapter, God is in control and God is good.


Minutes: Presentation of February minutes was tabled due to the absence of both the Secretary and Secretary Elect. The minutes of the January meeting were provided for approval; however, there were still several typographical errors that needed to be corrected. They will be re-presented at the April meeting.


Pastor Baker

Update: Julia reported that she had dropped Pastor Baker at home around 6:00 PM and that he was planning on being on the council meeting call tonight. Thanks to Julia for the assistance she provided to Pastor Baker this week.


CLC Report: Karolyn provided her written report that will be included with the minutes of this meeting. Two important items discussed were as follows:


Reopening Date

Two possible reopening dates were discussed, May 1st or June 1st. May 1st would only give one month remaining in the Spring session. Karolyn felt that June 1st was the better option based on the construction schedule. Council agreed with that timing.


Teacher Pay

Karolyn proposed that teachers be paid through May 15th; from that point on, they will only be paid for time worked. Regular pay is around $6,100 a week. Beverly made a motion that we pay teachers through May 15th, based on their hours. Bob seconded the motion. Motion carried. After May 15th, teachers will be “on demand” as Karolyn needs them.


Karolyn also noted that all tuition has been refunded back into parents’ accounts. Actual refunds will be issued if families end up not coming back to the program.


Pastor Baker

Report: Pastor joined the call for the last 45 minutes. He reported that he was doing well (can’t lift things as well as some other restrictions). He indicated that he had two blockages, one being complete; and that he had experienced congestive heart failure. Blockages have been opened up. He will give more

details in his Pastor letter that is emailed. He will want to have lay leaders for parts of the service to alleviate as much standing as possible.


Plans for Holy Week and going forward:

1. Outside Saturday services at 5 PM to continue, generally every other week.

2. Tent is ordered and Holy Week services will be held as a combo of outside and live-stream sessions.

3. Communion will be offered at all outdoor services.


Ministry Teams

Reports: Mara McGee reported on Eggstravaganza plans. It will be billed as a bunny

hop featuring treats available in open trunks much like trunk R treat. Mara

plans to stuff at least 3,000 eggs. She indicated that the Mission Trip will

look more like a family Mission Trip with individual families traveling

together. Confirmation just finished its first semester. It was mentioned that the San Miguel folks might be a good fit for an alternate mission trip if it becomes too difficult to follow thru on current plans. Mara will get with Mary Bates if more information is desired.


DJ summarized outreach events being done through the Mission Monday group.


Trustee Team

Reports: The main topic of discussion in the property report presented by Mary was an update on the restoration of the building taking place. The roofing project was delayed due to rain, but is scheduled to start in the morning. The full report will be included as part of the official minutes.


Financial Report: Beverly temporarily lost connection to the call. Bonnie presented the

financial information in Bev’s absence. Expenses exceeded revenues by

$26K in February. The deficit to date is approximately $68K.


Motion: Motion was made by DJ and seconded by Mary to accept all reports as

presented. Motion carried.


Branding/Signs: Discussion focused on the outdated nature of zip tracks. David Gorman

agreed to meet with staff for their input on possible other options. A middle

digital panel was mentioned as one of those options.


Online Motions: No online motions were identified.


COVID Updates: No updates.


Closing Prayer: Pastor Baker


Other information – April meeting on the 15th.


Respectfully submitted,


Richard Giltner

Council Secretary

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