Council Minutes 7/16/20

ASLC Council Meeting
July 16, 2020
7:00 PM

Attendees: John Barnes, Robert Blankenship (through Zoom), Beverly Byers, Richard Giltner, Patti Scott, Elizabeth Lindstrom, Mary Rosas, Pastor John Scheusner

Absent: Evelyn Gorman

Guest: Karolyn Havener, Don Hirschenhoffer

Opening Prayer: Pastor John

Devotional: Peacemakers Chapter 5 – Tabled to the August meeting

Outreach Proposal Don Hirschenhoffer presented a proposal to sponsor a First Responders Appreciation Prayer Breakfast in September. Invitees would include representatives from the police department, firefighters and EMT’s. Don has been in contact with the City of Arlington regarding permitting for this event. A permit is needed if you convey food to the public. There are two options for a temporary food establishment permit, 14 days at a cost of $100 and 6 months at a cost of $200. Don recommended we go with the 6-month option. A certified food manager would be needed (recommended we have two). Don requested names for potential food managers. Don requested an amount of $500 be approved for advertising, food and decorating. This would fall under an already approved budget for fellowship events.

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the regular Council meeting on June 18, 2020 and the Special Council Meeting on June 23, 2020 were presented for approval. Beverly motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Bob seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Children’s Learning Center
Karolyn reported that the summer session was almost completed. There was one tertiary case of Covid-19 (parent of a child). The CLC did not have to close down or quarantine that child. One staff member left work one day feeling very ill. She was tested with a negative result. Karolyn also reported that she had lost her entire Pre-K staff (10 of 25 staff members) because of concerns related to the pandemic. She will need to hire more people. If she is not able to fill all of the positions, she will need to drop some classes or shorten hours. She asked that if we know people who would be interested to please refer them to her. Qualifications include being at least 18 years of age and a high school diploma or GED. Experience with children would be a plus.

Pastor’s Report
· Mara is working on digital VBS
· New camera for recording online services is in
· First Communion – will take place at the live service on August 25
· Pastor is scheduled to meet with Carol and Glen Foster on July 21st.
· San Miguel in Ft. Worth was an ELCA church that had received mission grants over the years from the ELCA. They have been sued by the ELCA for return of the mission funds as they are no longer an ELCA church. The original amount was $500K. They have negotiated down to $80K. They don’t have the money to repay. Can we consider assisting in some way. We have some NALC grant funds left over (approximately $1,800).

Motion – Richard Giltner motioned that we use the remainder of the grant funds and match those funds up to $2,000 to help San Miguel. Beverly seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

A copy of the full report will be included in the official minutes book located on the coffee bar in the Atrium.

Treasurer’s Report
Beverly reported a deficit of $48K for the month of June and a year to date deficit of $184K. The Facebook donation option is being set up. We are waiting for approval. Affiliated Bank will soon have a better option for receiving online donations.

Board Updates
Property – John Barnes
Parking lot repair bids are still being gathered. The upgrade of the internet with new WiFi routers has been completed. The thermostat on the left side of the Atrium has been fixed. The alarm system needs attention. We should consider changing vendors as Johnson Controls response time to our repair needs is too slow. Betach, our locksmith also provides security services. Beverly will talk with them. The skylight needs repair. John will contact the vendor to set up a time to look at it. Roof repair bids have requested from Rocky Baires and VIP Roofing. Beverly will follow up with Patrick from VIP; Mary will follow up with Rocky. One more bid will be requested by Mary from PAQ Services (Richard Giltner’s contact). Marc Funderburk is working on an update of the playground remodel plan. The gophers will be replacing a couple of faucets at the CLC, as well as continuing to work on lighting and doors that are sticking.

Patti Scott motioned to approve all reports, Mary seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Online Motions – Pastor Galvez from Santisima Trinidad (NALC) in Irving requested use of our sanctuary for a few months until the COVID-19 restrictions have subsided. The facility they currently rent is not large enough to promote social distancing and is used for other social events so health safety cannot be guaranteed. Following an online discussion, the general consensus was to allow them to use the facility. They were provided our protocols and were reminded that we would not be disinfecting the facility following our Sunday morning service. They will be issued a temporary key and will be responsible for locking up and setting the alarm.

Membership Action
Motion was made by Beverly, seconded by Bob to accept the Terhune’s membership resignation. Motion carried. Motion was made by Beverly, seconded by John Barnes to remove Wayne Reber from the membership rolls based on time passed since being put on inactive status with no response from him. Motion carried.


COVID 19 Update
We will continue to assess attendance at the Sunday morning service on a monthly basis to make a determination about splitting into two services. Right now, attendance does not indicate need for a second service.

Special Congregational Meeting Planning
Two microphones on stands will be provided for speakers. We expect a quorum (17) to be present. The meeting will be postponed if the quorum is not met. Beverly will present the budget amendments. Libby will present the Strategic Plan. Mary will ensure a sign in sheet is available for attendance and quorum tracking.

Rework Boards
It was determined that a special council meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 25th at 7:00 p.m. to discuss a reorganization of the current board structure. Beverly will address the finance area, Pastor John and Libby will address the ministry area and John Barnes and Mary will provide input on property. Pastor John will ask Julia to provide a copy of the current board policies and procedures to everyone.

Wedding July 31st
A former member would like to have a wedding at All Saints because their church is still closed. We will ensure that all Christian marriage requirements (i.e., marriage is between a man and a woman, adherence to NALC policies) are met. Karolyn will request the cleaning crew to sanitize the Sanctuary on Sunday night prior to the wedding. Julia will let them in and lock up after they leave.

Motion was made by Beverly to allow a one-time non-precedent setting marriage to occur at ASLC on July 31st. Bob seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Audit Committee
The original volunteers consisted of Sherrie Livingston, Celia Hirschenhoffer and Maria Sandoval. Sherrie has now declined participating on the committee; Maria Sandoval is quarantining in California. Re-formation and rescheduling of this committee will be taken up at the November congregational meeting.

Constitution Review
This activity is on the back burner now due to COVID-19. One option is to have Marty Schardt review the constitution and provide recommendations for changes. Another is Mark Chavez. Pastor John will get an estimate of cost and email around. We may also want to include a review of policies and procedures. This will be an agenda item again at the August meeting.

Closing Prayer – John Barnes

Patti motioned to adjourn the meeting. John Barnes seconded. Motion carried.

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