ASLC Council Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2024
7:00 pm in Adix Room
Marc Funderburk, Andrew DaCosta, Mary Rosas, Libby Lindstrom, John Barnes, and Donald Scheeler. Bev Byers joined us via zoom. Meeting began at 7:07pm with opening prayer led by Pastor Hellemo.
Devotion led by Marc Funderburk. We discussed “God hears our Prayer”, from Grace for the Moment, by Max Lucado.
Approval of Minutes:
John Barnes moves to approve the minutes from the February 2024 meeting, Mary Rosas seconded. All approved.
Team Reports:
Ministry Reports:
The Easter Eggstravaganza is scheduled for March 30, from 2-4pm. The volunteer sign up is on the table in the Atrium. Ginya Anderson is continuing Sunday Children’s fellowship. Confirmation classes have 2 children interested in helping with Sunday’s services. John Barnes will coordinate with altar guild regarding the confirmation students participation in the services. We will be able to participate in the Pumpkin Patch sales if we can set it up on the front lawn on the corner and there is no upfront charge to us. More information will be coming at a later date. The Live Nativity down payment for the animals has been sent. The Junior League is using the CLC for prom dress storage. They are scheduled for usage of the Fellowship Hall April 4 to 6th. Cowtown Brush-up on April 6th sign up sheet on the table in the Atrium. The greenhouse is up in the Garden of Hope. Bill and Lois have requested the Shoes for the Artic be put on hold and removed from the Mission Monday agenda. Water to Thrive is fundraising for the fourth well. Clean up day is scheduled for March 23rd. We are having a potluck brunch on Easter Sunday after services. The boy scouts have scheduled monthly spaghetti dinners to be held the first Friday of every month beginning in May. The Men’s and Women’s breakfasts are going well.
Holy week meeting went well per Bev. Those participating were notified when they will be working. We should be covered unless something comes up.
Property Report:
Bev spoke with Bob Blankenship regarding the possibility of us posting signage stating that any photos taken may be used on the website and Bob said we should put up a notice so that people know we will be putting them on the website, etc. This alleviates us having any issues with someone unaware that their image might be used for public viewing. Art met with Longhorn Roofing since they helped with the repairs in 2022. They are recommending we do not take any action until Art has had the opportunity to observe the water behavior in Classroom 23 during the spring rain season. Abundant Life has received the lease and we are awaiting their response. The Junior League moved everything into the CLC and is preparing to host their event the first weekend of April. After the event, their storage usage will be smaller than their current needs. Julie Rinehart is the coordinator. We are waiting on their insurance certificate for the event. Wayne and Kay have taken the lead on the cleaning of the church and are organizing cleaning crews. A signup sheet is in the Atrium. Response is slow but hopeful. The goal is 6 people team. A used riding lawnmower has been purchased for $1250.00. Mary will follow up with the sale of the old riding lawnmower. Youth Room Remodel is on hold until after Easter. Dennis of Douglass Heat & Air is working with Mary regarding the HAVC system.
Financial Reports:
Mary questioned the amount budgeted for gas usage for the year. Bev looked and we currently only budgeted $1000 for the year due to gas prices the previous year. We will be able to cover the increase in the gas prices due to money coming into ASLC. We need to change to filters in all the air conditioning units. The cost last year was $1050.00 and the cost has gone up this year. Mary asks if we can afford to change all the filters or should we) prioritize the filters we change. Bev reviewed the budget and stated we will be able to fix all the filters.
Pastor’s Report:
Dave Gustafson is home and doing well after his hip replacement this past week. Coy and Francis are traveling. Pastor has been visiting several members including Dwight Schoneweis, Glen and Carol Foster, Alleen Stephenson and Lucy Priola. His eye surgery recovery is going slow. He is currently teaching confirmation classes and leading our mid-week Lenten service. TiTi’s immigration status remains the same but as always, he is very hopeful it will move forward soon and she will be able to come to Texas.
Spiritual Journey:
How is everyone doing on their spiritual journey? Are you in scripture daily? Weekly? Monthly?
What are your spiritual gifts? How do they help you in your mission?
Quarterly Goals:
Marc is going to work on getting the newsletter out to the congregation this quarter.
Prayer Posts:
On hold until after Easter.
Town Halls:
March town hall went well per John Barnes.
The following topics will be discussed at the April town hall:
Sunday Morning Email by Sue and Bev
Shoes for the Artic Children by Lois and Bill
Financial Update with Bev and Marc
Audit Committee Update with DJ
Volunteer Updates for Cleaning (ALC and Santisima committment)
Grounds upkeep and mowing
Cleaning of Facilities:
Kay and Wayne Mattox are organizing the volunteers. We have a team for the 1st and 3rd but the 2nd and 4th are still being worked out. Marc to touch base with them on the volunteers for those weeks.
Council pics of website:
New pictures for website and removal of prior pictures. Andrew DaCosta motioned to remove the council pictures from the website. John seconded. Council discussed removing all council pictures from website due to many feeling uncomfortable with their pictures out there for public viewing. Pastor said staff pictures should remain. Discussion ended and Andrew motioned that prior council pictures would be removed from the website and only current staff pictures would be updated and added to the website by Sue. This was again seconded by John Barnes. A vote was taken and all approved. Bev to email Sue about adding Pastor’s picture to website.
The ASLC lease with ALC:
ALC is good with the lease as written. They would like to add signs outside the church and in the church during Sunday services to share their services with the public. Pastor does want us to be considerate when we have to move their services due to an event. We need to give ample notice. Marc asked that council have the ability to review the signs prior to them being placed outside the church. We need to be sure the signs are clear and do not confuse ABL with ASLC or Santisima. We still need an insurance certificate for ALC and their usage of the building.
Marc did state that we do need to consider how we let the community know that we have three separate entities currently worshiping at this facility. We will discuss this at a later date.
Mary is going to prepare a lease for Santisima. Once prepared, it will be sent to Santisima.
Copier lease:
Returned to San Antonio but unknown value. It has been received; Andrew is going to send the receipt email to Bev for our records. Currently, they have begun collection procedures, but this amount will change after we know how much was received via the auction of the copier.
Corey Liaison:
Rod is still active with Corey Elementary at this point in time according to John Anderson. Marc will contact Rod and see if he wants to continue this position and if we need to continue to cultivate the relationship with Corey Elementary at this time. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
Audit Team:
DJ is heading this up and working with the team. The Audit Team has received the information except the electronic statement from the credit cards. Marc to contact DJ and see how they are progressing.
Mission Monday:
Per Marc and Bev’s discussion with Lois and Bill, they prefer not to be part of the ASLC mission outreach at this time and have asked that the Artic Shoe Ministry be removed from Mission Monday. Due to the funds previously collected for this ministry, Marc recommends that we address this with the congregation at the April town hall meeting.
Roof Leaks per Art:
Art sent email regarding roof leaks. Should be begin testing the roof to see why it is leaking? Or should we wait and see how long our luck holds out? Donald moves that Art observes the water leak via the test portal and if warranted we give him the authority to spend up to $500 to test and repair per his email. All work should be done within the next 45 days. Andrew seconds. Discussion: We have an access panel currently that we have observed some water damage but it is not big enough to see the current leaks. Vote taken: All approved.
Contemporary Worship:
Contemporary services may begin after Easter. Art and Pastor to work on the concept. Council suggested that Joe Alan be added to the discussions along with Praise Team. They wanted to let the council know they are beginning to think about adding a contemporary service sometime during the week. Pastor stated it should not disrupt the current Sunday morning worship service. It would be an additional service at sometime during the week.
Water to Thrive:
Sent new links to Sue Brant for the website.
Church Newsletter:
Marc will begin working on this for this quarter.
Holy Week:
We have the palms here for Palm Sunday and the lilies will be picked up on Thursday, March 28th. Services will be held on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Those who are participating in the service have been notified or attended the Holy Week meeting.
Prayer Concerns:
The following were concerns voiced by the council members for prayers: Dave Gustafuson with his hip replacement, Lucy Priola, Betty Scheeler, Carol and Glen Foster, DJ and Dwight Schoneweis, Janet, Bob, Amy and Joel, Joe Alan, TiTi, Leonard and Mina Gunpat.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Next meeting April 18, 2024, at 7 pm in Adix Room as ASLC