Special Congregational Meeting – 03/05/23

 Minutes for ASLC Special Congregational Meeting March 5, 2023


Call to Order


A Special Congregational meeting was held on March 5, 2023, for the purpose of voting on the Letter of Call and Compensation package to call Pastor Abera Hellemo as Pastor for All Saints Lutheran Church.

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory, Council President.

Opening prayer provided by Art Mory.

A quorum was determined by count of signed roster to include 35 signatures and announced by the Council Secretary Ginya Anderson.

A quorum was declared by Art Mory.

Introductory Remarks:

11:21am Art Mory

  • Meeting Purpose – to vote on the Letter of Call and Compensation package to call Pastor Abera Hellemo as Pastor for All Saints Lutheran Church.
  • Word of thanks to the Call Committee
  • Meeting Guidelines – Roberts Rules of Order.
  • Vote by written ballot



Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by John Anderson, to approve the Letter of Call and Compensation Package to call Pastor Abera Hellemo as Pastor for All Saints Lutheran Church.

11:25am Floor open for questions/discussion (see below)


Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by Bill Stephenson, to close question and discussion session.

The motion was carried with 35 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

Vote to call Pastor Hellemo:

12: 40 Lead by Art Mory

11:48 Final Tally (verified by Beverly B. & Ginya A.) For: 21 Against: 12 Abstaining: 2

Motion to call Pastor Abera Hellemo – NOT PASSED (votes required to pass: 24)



A motion was made by Richard Giltner, seconded by David Gustafson, to end the Special Congregational Meeting and for the meeting to adjourn.

The motion was carried with 35 yeas in favor and 0 nays against.

12:23 DJ Schoneweis closed in prayer.

___________________________ 11/5/2023

Ginya Anderson, 2023 ASLC Council Secretary Date of Approval

Discussion Points:

Unknown – Is this an agreement for the Pastor [Hellemo] to sign?

Art – Yes, agreed upon through negotiation.

Carol Foster – Where is the money for the Pastor’s salary coming from?

Art/Bev – the Pastor’s salary has already been budgeted for 2023.

Patricia Johnsgard – Is the housing allowance a one -time deal?

Art – Yes, it is usual for the church to pay one-time moving expenses.

Richard Giltner – A provision has been made if the Pastor decides to lease within 1 year. Is it expected that we get the money back if the Pastor dies within the first year? Are we legally tied to this agreement?

Art – No. Per Bob Blankenship we do not legally have to hold Pastor Hellemo’s estate responsible should he die within the first year.

Bill Hadeson – Is the pension a one-time expense?

Art/Bev – No. The pension is an annual budgeted expense.

Bill Stephenson – Are the moving expenses in addition to the budgeted salary?

Art – Yes. It is separate, one-time expense.

Melinda Lee – How long are the numbers of the Compensation Package good for?

Art – 1 year

Bev – Health care costs change annually. The amount provided would be to add a single covered person to ASLC’s existing health care coverage.

Leonard Gunpat – Has the NALC made recommendations for the negotiation process and agreement?

Art – Yes, the Call Committee followed the process of Call as presented by the NALC.

Richard Giltner – Were there any concerning issues that had to be addressed by the Call Committee?


Art – No issues were presented to the council.

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