Special Congregational Meeting – 09/24/23


 Special Congregational Meeting


 Call to Order

Special Congregational Meeting to discuss and vote on 2024 Financial Recommendations from the ASLC Council and Finance Team on September 24, 2023

The meeting was presided over by Art Mory, Council President.

11:25 am The meeting was called to order by Art Mory.

11:27 am Opening prayer provided by Pastor Abera Hellemo.

11:35 am A quorum (10% TM = 23) was declared by Council Secretary Ginya Anderson, by a signed roster.

ASLC Total Members: 229

ASLC Members Present: 43

Devotion presented by Art Mory.


Voting Council Members in attendance included: Pastor Abera Hellemo, Art Mory, Donald Scheeler, DJ Schoneweis and Ginya Anderson.

Absent Council Members: Louis-Ballard Stephenson

Staff in attendance included: Julia Bessler, Mara Welch

Absent: Karolyn Havener (due to family emergency)

Guest presenters included: Beverly Byers, Marc Funderburk

Opening Remarks:

Art Mory (Council President)

Recap Summary of Pledges Marc Funderburk (Finance Team)

35 giving units

The current 2024 Pledges are $134,860 (-11% for Benevolence)


Julia: Accountant paid $4,800 annually ($375 monthly). Are we under contract with this accountant?

Beverly Byers: No

Mary Rosas: Treasurer once had the business of “entering numbers” and “paying bills”.

Beverly Byers: Currently done by an accountant, but the $4800 “savings” does not meet the need to pay the staff.

John Barnes: Clarification of Pastor’s salary reported $97,000 vs $107,000 listed in presentation.

Beverly Byers: handwritten amount on the board includes taxes paid by the church. Special Congregational Meeting


Actual Costs

  • Pastor – $97,200
  • CLC – $215,000 ($615K, actual per Beverly Byers, CFO, on 11/5/2023)
  • Youth & Family Ministry – $55,000
  • Music Ministry – $30,000
  • Communication Ministry $25,000
  • Admin – $21,000
  • Outreach Ministry- $1,400
  • Total – $444,400 ($844,400, actual per Beverly Byers, CFO, on 11/5/2023)


Numbers listed in red represent the numbers given to the Council and Congregation at the meeting. GPA

Actual Pledge Total – $134,860

2024 Forecast Based on Pledge Amounts Beverly Byers (Finance Team)

Q &A:

Carl Lindstrom: When was the last time CLC made a profit?

Beverly Byers: Before the Pandemic, 2019 due to a variety of factors. (AISD preschool, stay at home and work from home parents, decreased workforce)

Marilyn Funderburk: What are the choices for CLC?

Art Mory: We need $200K to keep running for next year; at this time, we will need to close the doors. Doors would close at the end of the semester.

Carl Lindstrom: Is there anything that has made a profit for the church other than the CLC?

Beverly Byers: Prev offerings helped cover expenses; Referred to ASLC Giving and Income Year over Year.

Anonymous: Can the paid ministries being eliminated go to a contract, PRN position?

Art Mory: Yes, but as it stands, we currently do not have the funding moving forward to pay for them at this time. We should work together as a congregation to restore these positions.

Marilyn Funderburk: CLC does not allow unlicensed volunteers. Why?

Art Mory/Beverly Byers: True, as structured we must abide by state licensing.

Carol Foster: Does NALC have any funding to offset financially struggling congregations?

Art Mory: No. They have been asked and they do not offer financial help but do offer resource information. lol

Linda Brower: NALC is a bottom-up organization; they are funded by the congregations. Special Congregational Meeting


Dana Collins: How do these eliminations and financial deficits affect the Spanish Congregation?

Art Mory: Pastor Hellemo is working with Pastor Galvez; currently there has been no financial agreement for any monetary pledge made by them.

Andrew Acosta: If we downsized to a smaller building, we would need to pay rent; Since the building is owned, what are the running costs:

Beverly Byers/Art Mory: Please see ASLC Budget Overview FY24 P&L Report

Votes on Recommendations

Led by Art Mory (Council President)

At this time, we are not eligible for mortgage financing.

Special Church financing commercially available is not an affordable option. (~ $6K payments monthly; 16-19% interest)

ASLC will need a lot of volunteer help, including the Spanish Congregation: lawn care, cleaning services,

Motion made by Cheryl Anderson, seconded by John Anderson to commence the vote.

Motion carried with 43 yeas and 0 nays.

Voting Process and Outcomes: SIMPLE MAJORITY PASSES (per Art Mory)

  1. Vote to Eliminate the Children’s Learning Center Ministry Effective 12/31/23
  2. Vote to Eliminate the Paid Position of Director of Youth and Family Ministry Effective 12/31/23
  3. Vote to Eliminate the Paid Position of Communication/Administrative Assistant Effective 12/31/23
  4. Vote to Eliminate the Paid Position of Choir Director/Accompanist Effective 12/31/23


Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by Marc Funderburk, to eliminate the CLC Ministry effective 12/31/23.

The motion was carried with 37 yeas in favor and 3 nays against.

Motion made by Kay Maddox, seconded by Marilyn Funderburk, to eliminate the Paid Position of Director of Youth and Family Ministry effective 12/31/23.

The motion was carried with 33 yeas in favor, 6 nays against and 1 abstention. Special Congregational Meeting


Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by Laura Rhone, to eliminate the paid position of Communications/Administration effective 12/31/2023

The motion was carried with 24 yeas in favor and 16 nays against.

Motion made by Beverly Byers, seconded by Mary Rosas, to eliminate the paid position of choir Director/Accompanist effective 12/31/23.

The motion carried with 25 yeas in favor, 15 nays against and 1 abstention.

2024 Council Nominees – list not yet received by Mary Rosas

Annual Congregational Meeting Scheduled for Nov 5th, 2023:


10/08/23 Nominations for 2024 Church Council need to be published 4 weeks prior to meeting

10/22/23 Annual Reports due to President (Art Mory) 14 days in advance.

Notice of meeting on Nov 5th, 2023, to be added to bulletin for announcement

  • Notice of meeting must have at least a summarized agenda.


10/25/23 e-mail notice to congregation

10/29/23 Notice of meeting on Nov 5th to remain on bulletin for announcement

Closing Remarks and Next Steps Art Mory


Led by Art Mory (Council President)

A motion was made by John Barnes, seconded by Laura Rhone, to adjourn.

The motion was carried with all in favor (some members had already gone by this time) and 0 nays against.

1:15 pm Pastor Abera Hellemo closed in prayer.

Next Meeting: PRN, 10/18/2323. Annual Congregational Meeting Scheduled for Nov 5th, 2023 Special Congregational Meeting


___________________________ 11/5/2023

Ginya Anderson, 2023 ALSC Council Secretary Date of Approval

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