Council Meeting Minutes 6/18/20

ASLC Council Meeting
June 18, 2020
7:00 PM

Attendees: John Barnes, Robert Blankenship (through Zoom), Beverly Byers, Richard Giltner, Evelyn Gorman, Elizabeth Lindstrom, Mary Rosas, Pastor John Scheusner

Absent: Patti Scott

Guest: Karolyn Havener

Opening Prayer: Pastor John

Devotional: Peacemakers Chapter 4 – Discussion led by Libby Lindstrom

Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the regular Council meeting on May 21, 2020 and the Strategic Planning/Business Meeting on June 8, 2020 were presented for approval. Libby motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Bev seconded. Motion carried unanimously.


Children’s Learning Center
Karolyn reported that everything was going well as they approach 3 weeks back in session. She discussed changes to the fall session schedule for the weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The teachers will not be taking all of the week of Thanksgiving off but rather would be working the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of that week. Teachers would also be working December 21-23 and be off December 24 – January 1. This will require revision of the CLC handbook. Council will take revision of the handbook under advisement. The handbook should be approved every year.

Karolyn reported on the results of the handwashing sinks purchased for COVID-19 protocols. The cabinet handwashing station that was purchased for $1,588 was the better of the two purchased. The one purchased from Home Depot ($259) was difficult for the children to operate and required assistance by an adult. She indicated she would like to continue with the handwashing safety protocol and purchase two additional handwashing sinks at the $1,588 and would like to place an order for them ASAP while they are still in stock.

Beverly motioned to authorize Karolyn to purchase two more handwashing stations at $1,588 each. Evelyn seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Karolyn indicated that she still needs one more teacher for backup, but can manage with the status quo.

Pastor’s Report
• Mara will spend more time at the CLC (12 hours a week)
• Mission Trip – still a go but need signups. Pastor John will follow up with Mara regarding critical distancing questions raised. Council asked for more details on number of people expected. Richard indicated he would volunteer to go if absolutely necessary.
• First Communion scheduled for August 2nd.
• New members to be received on June 28th
• Consideration will be given around August 1st regarding two services.
• Pastor will be presiding at the Gustafson wedding on Saturday, June 20th.
• Pastor John will be on annual summer vacation July 6-15th.

Treasurer’s Report
Beverly presented the profit/loss and expenses thru May 30, 2020. We are at a net loss of approxi-mately $134 thousand. She also provided a list of vendors who receive ACH payments. Motion was made by Evelyn, seconded by Bob, to approve the ACH vendor list. Motion carried unanimously.

Beverly felt that Bonnie was doing a good job monitoring expenses and “catching” erroneous transactions. It was suggested that we consider giving a “Christmas bonus” for such efforts.

Property Board Report
Digital signs and parking lot on hold (need new bids on parking lot). Current parking lot bid is $15,000. Still need contact with NALC before moving forward on the storage shed. Original budget was $16,000 prior to NALC request for space in the shed. We are still waiting on Marc Funderburk’s plan for the CLC playground remodel. We have a bid from VIP roofing to evaluate/repair the roof leak outside of Classroom 23. Motion was made by John Barnes to accept the bid for that repair in the amount of $4,000; seconded by Evelyn. Motion carried unanimously.

Mary will ask Rocky Baires to give us a bid for the remaining sanctuary roof repair. Beverly provided prices on a temperature sensing camera ($3,500) and an automatic door ($4,800). This was informational only.

Ministry Board Reports
Evelyn reported on a fellowship idea for September; a breakfast to honor first responders with gift bags for the honorees. Carter Blood would like to hold a blood drive on Monday, July 13 or Thursday, July 22nd (actual day agreed on is Monday, July 20th). Carter would like to have a monthly day to use our parking lot for community blood drives. The sandwich making ministry was again discussed. Consensus was that Rod Parks and the Hirschenhoffers should take the next two months, with future participation to be determined at a later date.

Motion was made by Libby and seconded by Evelyn to accept all reports. Motion carried unanimously.

Rework of Boards
Tabled. Possible future special council meeting

Congregational Meeting
Meeting scheduled for July 19th. First notice to go out by postcard by July 5th; announcement in Church Sunday, July 5th. Budget information will be made available. Mary will run information from the church records to determine quorum needed.

AV Equipment
Motion was made by Beverly to purchase a camera and tripod at a cost not to exceed $2,000. Evelyn seconded. Motion carried.

Closing Prayer – Richard Giltner

Additional information:
Council Meeting – July 16th
Congregational Meeting, July 19th

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