Council Minutes 9/23/21


September 23, 2021

7:00pm – 9:45pm


Attendees: Robert Blankenship, Beverly Byers, Richard Giltner,

Pastor Baker, D J Schoneweis, Kenny Lee, Stacey Welch, Mary Rosas

Absentees: David Gorman

Guests: Mara McGee, Karolyn Havener


Opening Prayer: D J


Devotional: Chapter 8 – Richard

Discussion points – Primarily a set of lessons on communication skills. First present the good news of what God has done. Fully listen and plan what is to be covered beforehand not during listening. Choose the right time and place and assure understanding of both sides.


. Next month Chapter 9 – Mary


Approval of Minutes: Motion by Beverly to accept July and August minutes as amended, seconded by Mary. Motion passed.




Mara: Youth and Family Ministries

. Pumpkin Patch day scheduled for October 16, with Mara handling the sign up list. It actually occurred on October 19 and with the volunteers was completed in about an hour. Leftover pumpkins will be mulched into the Garden of Hope.

. Boy Scouts will need to get a key for access. Scouts were to assist on the 16th. An Eagle Scout needs to do a project and would like to do a ‘take a can / leave a can’ box similar to a ‘take a book / leave a book’ system, and place it near the Garden of Hope. Council approved the idea. The Scouts need a space to store their flags. Space is available in the banner room. These will be two flags with poles which disassemble.

. Cub Scouts: Mary saw them meeting outside and asked if they know they can meet inside. Mara indicated that they know and meet in the atrium since the fellowship hall is not available yet.

. Trunk or Treat is scheduled for October 30 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm outdoors. Treat bags will not be needed as candy is available at each trunk. There will be games and activities for the kids.

. Live nativity will use the animals from the group used last year with the animals as part of the display rather than a separate area.

. Mara is going to order new coloring books (Christian theme for advent, etc.).

. Kids sang during the 5th Sunday service.


Karolyn: CLC

CLC report attached to minutes


Pastor Baker: Pastor’s Report

. John and Virginia Anderson are submitted to council for approval for membership.

MOTION: Beverly – Approve John and Virginia Anderson for membership. Second: Mary. Motion passed.

. We have a new District Dean, Mark Braaten. Pastor Baker met him at convocation.

. Our region needs to submit a name for the new position of Assistant to the Bishop by October 1. It is a 10 hours per week position.

. Pastor sent a copy of the amendments to the NALC constitution to Bob. These are the ones to be approved at the November congregational meeting.

. Texas Pastors’ Retreat is scheduled for October 19-21. Pastor Baker has decided not to go due to other commitments.

. NALC Mission District meeting is scheduled for January and a budget item for that needs to be added to our budget.

. The Call Committee is to have its installation at the first Sunday service in October and gather immediately after the service, to receive initial materials, select officers and schedule its first official meeting.


Beverly: Financial Report

. This report is postponed until the budget report is given later in the meeting.


Mary: Property Report

. Property report was sent out in email earlier.

. Need to address the electrical issue for the parking lot. Mary asked that the bid process be waived and Belton be used for this $24,300 projects since it needs to be done right away and, due to Covid,

there is a shortage of electricians which would slow the bid process considerably. We have used the company before, it is known by connections to congregation members, and they are reasonably priced. They have already done some of the work as part of our insurance claims and can complete the work and it will be difficult to get three bids in a timely way at this time. It is a safety and security issue so must be completed as soon as possible. A preliminary motion was made and seconded, but after discussion it was restated as follows.

MOTION: Mary – To bypass the three bid requirement to allow the quick execution of this project for reasons of safety and security. Second – Richard. Motion passed.


DJ: Ministry Boards

. Rod Parks has money left over from the Water to Thrive project and would like to use half as seed money for the next well and the other half to be divided between the disaster relief funds of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. They also need more gift card donations.

. The Garden of Hope is fallow and any remaining rotting pumpkins will be incorporated into it.

. Cowtown Brush-up is set for October 2, with Mary responsible for supplies since Marc is traveling. Tuesday she is meeting with the Habitat for Humanity group to get more information.

. Mary is handling the Christmas Shoebox project during October.

. Thanksgiving pie social has been tabled.

. Backpacks for the Homeless project and/or supplies of snacks to teachers in their classrooms for children who did not get fed at home – both have been tabled until January.

. The teacher appreciation luncheon for the CLC and Corey Academy teachers is scheduled for November 19 (the Friday before Thanksgiving) and the date has been approved by both.


Other Old Business:


Stacey – Online Motions:

. Three online motions were made and passed since the last meeting: Approval of Scout Troop 127 relationship to the church, slate of candidates for the call committee, and the date of September 19 for the congregational meeting.


New Business:


. Baptismal Font: Pastor Baker will advise the group who works on this project, with input on why we pick what we pick. Rod Parks sent in some suggestions. Richard wants to be part of the project and was volunteered to lead it and ask for people to work with him and the pastor on it. Mary will

participate from the property standpoint. Pastor plans to bring this up in the Mission Monday meeting to ask for participants.

. Red has not fulfilled the position requirements of the President Elect. A letter needs to be sent to him that his position has been declared vacant for this reason. Bob will generate the letter. Richard raised the question as to whether this should be handled in executive session. It was not deemed necessary until Bob receives a response to the notification letter.

. Congregational meetings: A copy of the preliminary copy of the September congregational minutes has been emailed to council. It was suggested that all copies be marked as a preliminary draft. The file has since been updated to include the watermark “Draft Document”. It was suggested for the November congregational meeting that the agenda be available and opening and closing prayers be specifically included. The nominating committee slate needs to be published two weeks before the November 7 meeting and the agenda sent out 10 days prior.

The nominating committee is now Steven Tally, Kay Becker, and Lynn Gustafson. The pastor’s letter will include this information as well as the position responsibilities.



Beverly – Finances and Budget

. Cash fund is now at $100,000, and investment funds are at $770,000. There are invoices outstanding to be handled by insurance income.

. Balances included in budget are budget to actual, profit / loss comparison of August 2021 to July 2021 and August 2020 to August 2021 as well as the year-to-date totals.

. Expenses exceeded revenue by $170,000 but insurance funds are still coming in, we have Covid-19 loan funds so we have been able to hold the line on cash and both pay people and participate in community outreach projects. We are moving in the right direction.

. Budget shows income as being the same but CLC at $350,000 instead of $500,000 in line with the current situation of reduced enrollment but salaries remain at the $500,000 levels. Benevolence is set at %11 with %4 for local, %4 for NALC, and the remainder for Missions and an additional $500 for the newly formed mission district. Operating budget is based on the current situation but property insurance has doubled to over $1000 per month. Salaries include raises which will be discussed in executive session.


Begin Executive Session

End Executive Session


. All Saints Banner: Mary submitted four names to be included on the banner this year including the previous music director.

. The October Council meeting is set for October 21.


Closing prayer: Richard read the Prayer of Assisi.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Richard Giltner

Council Secretary






================ Attachment =============

September 23, 2021

CLC Report for Regular Council Meeting



-We are fully staffed! Praise God! When someone is sick, we are still struggling to cover a class, but so far, we are handling the situation.



-At this time, we have a waiting list established with 3 families. We will open additional classes if our waiting list becomes full enough to open them AND if we can find people to staff the room. We now have 62 enrolled. A normal pre-Covid number is around 95.

-Protocols: Masks are required for everyone in the 2-year-old class and above to enter CLC regardless of vaccination status. Everyone will continue to wash their hands before going to the classrooms and all children will be temperature checked upon entry. We will continue the extra cleaning processes, and the frequent rotating of toys.

-Events: We will have our Fall Parade with parents/grandparents in the building, all masked. The event lasts less than 15 minutes and we are not allowing the parents back to the classrooms so we will not enter the “close contact” definition for Covid-19 exposure. Our Thanksgiving Feasts will again be only the students and they will eat in their classrooms. No parents or grandparents will be invited. We usually plan a Christmas program but with the large number of people that attend and the length of time of the program, I am leaning toward a video version similar to last year.


-A few things are still on my punch list for Rocky’s crew. (Stall doors, flooring repair, and woodwork in the

Gathering Area Girl’s restroom)

-The playground door has been replaced and works wonderfully!

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