ASLC Special Council Meeting
May 7, 2020
6:30 p.m.
Attendees: Beverly Byers, John Barnes, Bob Blankenship, Patti Scott, Libby Lindstrom, Evelyn
Gorman, Mary Rosas, Pastor John Scheusner
Guest: Karolyn Havener
Minutes Approval: Approval of April 16, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes
Correction – pull out the last two sentences in the paragraph regarding the meeting with Curt Lewis. Beverly motioned to approve as corrected. Bob Blankenship seconded. Motion carried.
Opening of CLC – Karolyn Havener
CLC will reopen for a Summer session on June 1. Tentative roster for the summer session is 49. There are 79 already committed for the Fall session. Some details are not ironed out yet. Karolyn continues to monitor CDC recommendations.
Some of the conditions to be observed:
Group sizes of 10 (ratio of 1 teacher to 9 children)
6-ft. social distancing when possible
Children’s hands will be sanitized at the door and then washed/sanitized in the classroom
Age groups cannot be combined
No chapel
Staff will have to have hair pulled back
Increase staff for sanitization procedures
Redo what is done in classrooms
No other church groups to be in the building
Some processes in question:
What to do about lunches/backpacks
Carpet sanitization
What signage is required
How to handle deliveries
Handling of shared spaces
Extended care changes for staffing
Need for handwashing stations
The personnel manual will need to be updated. There will need to be an infectious disease strategic plan. Staff will have to sign a waiver. Karolyn is trying to find supplies (hand sanitizer, gloves, masks).
Evelyn offered to provide a copy of her company’s policy to use as a quideline for creation of a policy for ASLC/CLC.
Tuition loss due to COVID 19 is approximately $150K. ASLC will need to continue to invest in the CLC operations through at least the end of the year. Karolyn expressed how grateful both she and the teachers are for ASLC’s financial support during this challenging time. The approximate cost for continuing to pay the teachers has been around $86,500. Beverly inquired if tuition could be increased to help cover increased costs. Karolyn indicated that it was close to the time when tuition would typically be increased. Consideration could be given to doing that for the Fall session. There was also discussion around the possibility of charging a one-time fee to help cover additional costs due to COVID requirements. Evelyn suggested that more teachers be hired and trained in case some of the teachers get sick. The possibility of using volunteers for the sanitization process was brought up. That might be an option, but training would be required. Karolyn indicated that summer staff will be in the facility for training during the last week in May.
Re-opening of ASLC – John Scheusner
Pastor John polled the attendees to get their opinions as to whether it was too soon to reopen. Some indicated that they did feel it was a little early. John explained that his logic for opening on the 17th is that some people are anxious to participate in worship again. If we wait too long, we will miss the boat. Participation will be voluntary. Those who don’t feel comfortable are urged to stay home and continue to access the online option. Volunteer training was discussed. Beverly suggested doing a walkthrough for volunteers prior to arrival of worshippers. Council affirmed that Sunday the 17th was OK for open up. Pastor John and Julia will determine volunteers needed and make the necessary contacts.
Meeting with Curt – Libby Lindstrom
Libby summarized the meeting with Curt. Pastor John offered his perspective that he did not believe Curt’s objective was to sabotage but to defend the committee. He suggested we offer Curt a period of time to get back in a good place. Any other meetings with Curt should probably involve Mark Chavez or another third party.
Adjournment – 8:30 p.m.
Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Closing Prayer – Art Mory
Members of the council joined the Praise Team who were still rehearsing. Art Mory led a musical closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rosas
Council Secretary