Council Minutes 10-6-20

All Saints Lutheran Church

Special Council Meeting

October 6, 2020

6:30 p.m.


Attendees: John Barnes, Robert Blankenship, Beverly Byers, Evelyn Gorman, Elizabeth Lindstrom, Mary Rosas, Patricia Scott, Pastor John Scheusner


Absent: Richard Giltner


Opening Prayer: Pastor John


Devotion: The Peacemakers – tabled


Minutes: Minutes for the September 14 and September 17 Council meetings were presented for approval. Motion was made by John Barnes and seconded by Evelyn to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed unanimously.


CLC Report: Karolyn reported that the Fall session is going well. She still has one position to fill. She and Beverly have worked through the CLC budget for 2021.


Pastor’s Report: The Pastor’s report is attached in its entirety to the published minutes.


Board Updates: Updates were provided by John Barnes and Evelyn Gorman. Evelyn reminded everyone that there is a signup genius for pumpkin patch shifts.


Due to a lack of bids for the playground remodel, Mary Rosas requested that Council approve Marc Funderburk’s company, Land Patterns, to complete the playground remodel. Beverly motioned to approve Marc Funderburk to be the contractor for the playground project to be coordinated with church contacts. Evelyn Gorman seconded. There was no discussion. Motion passed unanimously.


Council agreed that we should continue with our current security alarm vendor, Johnson Controls. The feeling is that function will improve with the 5G upgrade and the false alarm issue will resolve.


Council agreed to exclude the roof bid for repairs only. VIP’s bid is significantly higher due to certain materials used. Beverly will provide the bids from VIP and Eagle to John Barnes who will review for comparability.


Libby motioned to accept the board reports. Beverly seconded. Motion passed unanimously.


Online Motions There were no online motions to record.


COVID 19 Updates No updates.


Branding/Signs Evelyn still working with B&G Signs. Richard Giltner has another contact. Meeting with that contact to be scheduled.


Constitution Council reviewed outstanding issues. Beverly will look through to identify any glaring areas in need of revisions. Council should review and send any other proposed changes to Libby by October 25th. The congregation will be given the marked up copy at the congregational meeting in November. We discussed payment of Marty Schardt for his work. John will check with Marty to determine how he would like payment handled.


Boards Descriptions/

Policies Procedures Tabled for a future meeting


New Business


Budget Review Beverly presented the 2021 budget and provided Council with her comments as she will give them at the congregational meeting. She addressed any questions that Council had around any of the numbers.


Beverly advised the Council that Karolyn would like to utilize the storage room being used to house quilting supplies for CLC storage in order to clear out another classroom (former music room) for potential use as a toddler classroom


Beverly moved that we empower Karolyn to hire the appropriate teacher and clean out the quilting/music rooms for classroom space. Libby seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


There was further discussion around future uses or our resources; generating more income (CLC) focusing our resources on our mission.



Electric – potential change from Constellation could save us $1,200. Beverly will check on term length and penalties for changing before the term is up.

Phone – Diamond Voice – $128/month

Parking Lot – still waiting on one more bid

Copiers – Novatech will provide a bid



Meeting Agenda needs to be updated to indicate the correct date of 2020 vs. 2019. Mary and Beverly will set up the Saturday before the meeting and make sure copies of everything have been made. We will need to ask for an audit committee. We should highlight those areas of the Strategic Plan that we have begun to implement, i.e., progress on property projects, Wednesday Bible study, progress on communication. All reports need to be turned in to Julia by October 14th.


Executive Session Libby made a motion to enter into an executive session. John Barnes seconded. Motion carried.


Closing Prayer The meeting closed in prayer at 9:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Mary Rosas

Council Secretary



Additional Information:


Pumpkin Patch begins 10-11-20

Trunk or Treat 10-24-20 – 5-6 p.m.

Congregational Meeting 11-1-20

Next Council Meeting: 11-17-20, 7:00 pm

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