Minutes for All Saints Church Council
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on February 17, 2022 at All Saints Lutheran Church. The meeting was presided over by John Barnes, Council President. A quorum was declared by John Barnes.
Voting members in attendance included: John Barnes, Stacey Welch, Art Mory, DJ Schoneweis, Kenny Lee, Mary Rosas, Pastor Scott Baker
Staff in attendance included Mara Welch
Guest in attendance included Beverly Byers
Members absent not in attendance: None
Approval of minutes:
– Motion made by Mary Rosas, seconded by Art Mory, to accept the January minutes
with corrections. The motion passed with 7 yea’s in favor and 0 nay’s against.
Staff Reports
Youth and Family Ministries report was presented by Mara Welch
Children’s Learning Center Report was presented by Beverly Byers
Pastor’s report was given by Pastor Baker
– Pastor’s work with the call committee is complete.
– 1st communion class beginning in March. First communion will take place on
Maundy Thursday.
– Ash Wednesday will be a joint service with the Spanish congregation.
– Midweek service spotlight pastor’s experience of where Jesus walked.
– On the 1st Sunday in April, All Saints will have a celebration service for our 40th
Financial Reports were presented by Beverly Byers
– Final report of year end 2021 will be presented in March
Trustee Report
Board of Ministries Report was presented by DJ Schoneweis
Property Report was presented by Mary Rosas
– Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by Art Mory, to repair both sets of front
doors with secure hardware at a cost of $10,324. The motion passed with 7 yea’s in
favor and 0 nay’s against
Report Approval
– Motion made by John Barnes, seconded by DJ Schoneweis, to approve reports. The
motion passed with 7 yea’s in favor and 0 nay’s against.
Minutes for All Saints Church Council
New Business
Motion made by John Barnes to accept Alex Widner’s request that his membership at All Saints be withdrawn. The motion passed with 6 yea’s in favor, 0 nay’s against and 1 abstention.
– Call Committee
o Marc Funderburk is assembling the profile
o The committee creates a compensation package. No negotiation. The council
will decide whether to accept the package or not. Then the congregation will
vote on it.
– Celebration Committee: Pastor Baker read the report including recommendations.
Motion was made by John Barnes, seconded by Mary Rosas, that the meeting be adjourned.
Pastor Baker closed the meeting with a prayer.