Minutes for All Saints Church Council
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the All Saints Church Council was held on April 21, 2022 at All Saints
Lutheran Church. The meeting was presided over by John Barnes, Council President. A quorum was declared by John Barnes.
Voting Members in attendance included: John Barnes, Art Mory, Kenny Lee, DJ Schoneweis,
Mary Rosas, Pastor Scott Baker
Staff in attendance included: Mara McGee, Karolyn Havener,
Guests in attendance included Beverly Byers
Members not in attendance: Stacey Welch
Approval of minutes:
There were no minutes to approve. February, March and April minutes will be approved in
Staff Reports
Children’s Learning Center Report was presented by Karolyn Havener
Youth & Family Ministries report was presented by Mara Welch
Financial Reports delayed by tax season, will be presented in May
– Porte Cochere and Flood Damage claims should be paid out within the next 30 days
– Forgiveness on 2nd PPP loan has been completed.
– Moved by Pastor Baker and seconded by Art Mory that the CLC Wage Ceiling be
raised to $25/hour and trust that Karolyn will deal with the staff appropriately. The
motion carried with 6 yea’s in favor and 0 nay’s against.
Pastor’s Report was presented by Pastor Baker
– Sunday the 24th is Pastor’s last Sunday
– Pastor presented Patricia Johnsgard for membership to All Saints Lutheran. Moved
by DJ Shoneweis and seconded by Mary Rosas that Patricia Johnsgard be approved
for membership to All Saints Lutheran. The motion carried with 6 yea’s in favor and
0 nay’s against.
– Staff requested a point person on Council to address any issues they might have in
absence of a Pastor. Council acknowledged that DJ Schoneweis would serve as that
Trustee Reports
Board of Ministry Report was presented by DJ Schoneweis
Property Report was presented by Mary Rosas
– Door work will start on Monday April 25
Minutes for All Saints Church Council
Old Business
– Facility use
o Discussion determined that we do not have all the documents we need to
determine what the policy will be.
o Pastor recommended that, in the absence of a Pastor, wedding approvals
should go through Council.
New Business
o Motion: Moved by Art Mory and seconded by Mary Rosas that, in absence of
a Worship Team, Council approve Pastor Baker’s suggestion that, until we get
a new pastor, we continue with the Liturgy we used prior to Lent. The
motion carried with 6 yea’s and 0 nay’s against.
§ First 2 Sundays of the month Joe would be responsible for music,
Second 2 Sundays Praise Team would be responsible for music, 5th
Sundays Joe would be responsible.
– Pastor Wendy will preside on Confirmation Sunday
– Call Committee has accepted the first application for call and will review next week.
– Mary is continuing work on the Evacuation Plan.
– John will be travelling during the next scheduled meeting, Art will conduct the
– DJ let us know that she is wanting to re-ignite the triad/quad program. We will
educate the congregation over the Summer and look to a Fall reboot. We can do a
Pastor’s Article as well.
– Mary is working on the status of Pastor’s apartment.
John moved that the meeting be adjourned at 9:12 pm. Those in attendance moved to the
sanctuary for Holy Communion.